"We have no damn clue! No one will tell us anything!" Sirius shouted for the staff outside to hear.

"Who would do this?" Remus questioned sitting beside Sirius.

Dumbledore looked to Remus and said "The only clue we have found was a nearly empty bottle of whiskey found at the edge of the forest."

Sirius put his head in his hands and began to sob "This is all my fault! I took her out there. I should have listened to James."

Remus patted Sirius's back "Sirius this isn't your fault. You couldn't have known someone would attack them."

"You don't understand! I promised her she would be safe! I promised her and I didn't protect her!" Sirius spat angry at himself. 

Remus looked to Dumbledore looking for guidance. Dumbledore shook his head with a sad look as to say leave him be. The three men sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity.

A tall healer walked into the waiting room and asked "Are you the family of James Potter or Lily Evans?"

All three of them replied "Yes!" and stood.

The healer took a deep breath and said "James is in stable condition. We aren't certain how he received his injury but he has a gash on his back from his left lower back to his right shoulder. It is a clean cut much like you would see from a knife or sword. His wounds are not very deep and he should be able to go home in a day or two."

The three of them let out a sigh of relief. "What about Lily?" Sirius asked.

The healer looked rather distraught and asked "Are you the father of her child?"

Without thinking Sirius said "Yes."

The healer looked to Dumbledore then to Sirius and said "Sir you may want to sit down."

"Just tell me dammit! Are they ok?" Sirius said loudly.

The healer with a pitiful look said "I'm sorry sir but we couldn't save the baby. Miss Evans was injured much like Mr. Potter; she had a deep gash diagonally across her abdomen. The baby had passed before she arrived. Miss Evans will recover but I'm afraid she will never be able to have children. I am deeply sorry for your loss sir."

Sirius felt sick "She will never forgive me! I did this to her! I let her child be killed after I promised her. It should have been me!"

Remus pulled Sirius into a tight hug and whispered "This is not your fault. We will find the bastard who did this to our Lily and kill him."

The healer turned to leave, Dumbledore stopped him "Sir, May I ask why you're holding Mr. Potter if his injuries are minor?"

"We are having a hard time getting the wounds to close. Whatever caused this is dark magic. We have never seen this particular injury before." answered the healer. With a nod the healer left the room.

"Dark Magic?" said Dumbledore confused.

Dumbledore sat in his office looking at the bottle Hagrid had left on his desk. It was expensive, not the cheap kind that was often found in the possession of rebellious teenagers. Dalmore was a rich mans whiskey. There was only one way a bottle such as this would end up on Hogwarts grounds. Dumbledore had a feeling he knew where this bottle came from and who brought it here. With a loud pop Dumbledore was standing at the door of Malfoy Manor, he knocked and was greeted by the house elf. "Well hello Dobby!" Dumbledore greeted him.

"Good day sir, please come in. I will fetch master." replied Dobby. Dobby ran into the library where Lucius and Severus were sitting. "Master you have a visitor." Dobby said timidly.

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