Chapter 3: Haruka

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Could-could it be... the girl that gave me wrong directions? Yes, it's true that she struggles with directions... But wait! A lost girl won't be like that! A lost girl must be...


"I'm lost! What should I do! I'm scared!  Can you guide me back to the HQ?"


Yes yes that is right. Guess we'll just have to look for the real one!

It's been an hour and a half since we started looking for Haruka. Wait. I just remembered. I just remembered that we...

"We're not having our breakfast yet!"

"That's true. My stomach is aching."

"Oh no! my large intestine will eat my small intestine! Maybe it's happening now!"

I suggested,"Let's stop by first! Look, a restaurant. Let's eat first. I'll pay--"

"I can't. I can't afford to eat! I won't eat until I find Haruka-chan. So let's go. Oh, I'll do a trick for you guys!"


"Enchant! Starvation Zero!"

"Wha-What happened?"

"I am not hungry anymore!"

"That was called ..... Enchanting"


"That's what mages do with the use of these Relics. We can not be called Mages if we do not have or wield a Relic. But what I did is healed you. I healed your hunger."

"Wow! That's great!"

"Thanks alot, Fumiko!"

"But, I can only use it once in a while and...*falls down*"



"--It drains my power. I'm sorry guys."

after a while

I offered Fumiko a glass of cold water,"Here, take a drink."

"Thank you very much, Hajime." She thanked me back.

"That is nothing when compared to what you did for us."

Masumi said, "Think about your self too next time, Fumiko."

"Mm. I was just reckless a while ago. Sorry for worrying you guys. I just... I just don't want to be a burden.


"You idiot! When are you going to learn about it! Oh geez. You eat alot but you are so clumsy and an idiot. We don't need you a useless kid like you here in our shelter. Go find another shelter that will take care of you again! Oh, but maybe you will live in the streets, and will be begging for food because you are so idiot that no one accepts you?"


"But why am I throwing those things back?" Fumiko realized.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Masumi asked.

"I'll get some water again. Wait for me." I went alone.

I was about to fill in the cup when I saw the girl that made me lost a while ago. I went closer to her amd she realized,

"Oh! You're the lost man a while ago. How are you doing now?"

She gave me a beautiful smile. She's sparkling! Her green eyes are shining! She's so cute that I can't resent her!

"Can I have my turn now? I'm actually lost. Where is the Garrison HQ?" She asked. Wait, I am realising something! Does it mean that she...


Fumiko?? Later on she hugged the girl. So she really is...

I shouted out loud,, "Haruka?! The seventh member of our squad?!"


"I'm really sorry! I forgot about you!"

"It's fine now."

I cut, "Wait, so you're Haruka?!"

She answered, "Yes I am. Sorry that I did not introduce my self to you last time."

"Last time? You two have met before?"

"Yes. It's a while ago actually, and she gave me wrong directions so I got lost..."

"Ppffffft. Hahahahaha" Masumi laughed.

"Is that so? I'm really really sorry, uhm, what's your name?"

"Shigeki Hajime."

"Pleased to meet you. Hajime."

"Nice meeting you too, Haruka"

We shaked hands. Her hand is so soft!

And later on, all of us went back to the Head Quarters, with our seventh member, Haruka.

Continued on the next chapter
The Past of the "Wicked" Girl

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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