Chapter 3: Haruka

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"The Yamazaki Squad's first mission is...

We were left in shock. So we have a sevent member? What could be the reason?

"Last night, she said she was going to buy food, but then she didn't return"

" OH MYY!!" Fumiko yelled.

"Takahashi! No shouting in my room!"

"But Sir! Haruka! Haruka! I almost forgot! Oh no! She's bad at directions!What will I do,What will I do! I am unforgivable! What have I done! Sorry! I'm going to search for her now!" Fumiko was about to ran away but..

"Takahashi! You must not go by yourself! Divide your squad into three groups and go! Kaneko is around the Ringo Park by now!"

Fumiko and Masumi's whereabouts

"Damn! I was too excited last night that I forgot about Haruka!" Fumiko atoned.

"Don't worry Fumiko-san. We'll definitely find her around here."

Tetsuya and Katsu's whereabouts

"Man. Where are we now?" Tetsuya asked Katsu.

"I don't know, where are we going to by the way?"

◎_◎;) (;◎_◎)

"We are lost!!"

Hajime's whereabouts

Geez. Why am I separated from Zaki?!
Oh! I can see a girl formaly dressed! She may know about the Apple Park! But... But... She's... SO CUTE!! But still, looking for our member is still

I asked her, "Uhm,do you know where the Apple Park is?"

She answered, "Of course."

"Yeahh! I'm lucky!"

"Turn left then go straight, that is where the Apple Park is."

"Thanks!" Damn. I forgot to ask her name!

After that, I followed here direction and here I am, here I am now finally in--
Wait a minute! This is not a park! This is a HOT SPRING!

after a few minutes

"*sigh* I am back to where I saw the girl,finally."

I asked people the around me about where the Apple Park is, and this time, I made sure about it!

After a few minutes, I ended up reuniting with Fumiko and Masumi

I asked, "So what does Haruka look like?"

"She is small, peach-blonde haired, and has green eyes." Answered Fumiko.

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