The Arrival of the Arctic Wolf

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One bright, wonderful day, a big change was happening to Jamaa. Every jammer woke up very early and rushed to the Temple of Zios. As the arctic wolves trotted into Jamaa, almost every jammer fell under their "spell". 

The Arctic wolves all wore popular items. The main thing they wore was spikes, tikis, worn, mechs, etc. Most of them were blue, black, red, or white.

The Arctic wolves gathered in the circle and looked upon all of the animals of jamaa. They saw the koalas and immediately thought they were ugly.  Since most of the other jammers loved the arctic wolves, they agreed.

 The Arctic wolf leader, Victory, had an idea and yelled it out, " How about we just ban the koalas?! They are so ugly, we have no need for them!". Zios, Mira, and all of the alphas, watched with gritted teeth, then, finally, Gilbert stood up and said, "Now, that's outrageous! The koalas have not done anything bad!" Victory smirked and said," Okay, fine!" Victory got up and left with the other arctic wolves. Gilbert walked over to the other alphas and whispered, "I'm not so sure about this...".  Every jammer left the Temple of Zios and went to their dens. 

Victory had a plan, a plan to get rid of them. He framed them for stealing a few of Mira's feathers, by hiding koala hair near her in the night. Zios awoke in the morning and had no choice, but to ban the koalas.

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