Butt Dialed

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"Mack! We dont want you to leave!" Louis gripped my leg like a four-year-old would do to his mother. I laughed and shook him off.

"Dont worry. You'll see me on the telly in a couple months. Come visit my flat anytime. I really want to see you guys" I said to them. They murmured in agreement, half of them pouting.

I hugged Louis as he got up. He ruffled my hair lightly. "Love ya, little sis"

I smiled and moved to Niall. He gave me his famous Horan hug. "Have fun in Australia. Try and get a tan and not a burn this time." I said to him. He let out a chuckle and I walked over to Zayn.

He gave me a warm hug. "Be careful out there. Show biz is a hard business. If you ever need anything, call me. I'll be there as soon as possible." I hugged him again. His advice scared me a little yet reassured me at the same time.

I went over to Harry and he hugged me, spinning me around. He reached down and kissed my cheek. He tucked a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

"I need my big brother there with me" I said. I had grown so connected to these boys over the past week. They were my family.

"You'll be okay. Just do what you always do. We'll be supporting you the whole way" He said, smirking. I hugged him again and backed away.

Liam was last. I walked up to him and leaped in his arms, tucking my head in the crook of his neck. His arms rested on my waist as I pulled away.

"What if I-" I began, shakily.

"You wont" He stopped me. "You will do just fine. I know you will

Stop worrying, Rapunzel" He said, nudging me.

I let out a giggle. "Alright. I'll miss you guys."

"Flight 163 for British Columbia, Canada is now boarding" The loud speaker announced. I looked at the boys faces.

"I'll skype you guys when I get home. Thanks for everything" I said. I turned to leave when Liam grabbed my hand and twirled me towards him.

"I'll call you later" He whispered. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, his lips lingering for a couple seconds before he lifted his head up.

I smiled and turned to my dad. "Bye dad. I love you"

He gave me a weak smile. "Mackenzie, I'm sorry for everything and I hope to change for you. Be safe, dont do anything stupid. Be careful with boys and text me when you land." He hugged me tightly and I nodded.

"Last call for Flight 163!"

I turned, grabbed my suitcase, and walked to the plane. I was sat next to a 7-year-old boy and his stressed out mother. This was going to be a loonngg ride.

~Liam's POV~

"Well! I miss her already. What about you guys?" Louis abruptly said. We were all sat around my flat, watching a boring t.v. show. I wasnt really paying attention. She's been in Canada for a couple days now. She told me she would start filming tomorrow.

"We all miss her, mate" Zayn spoke up. I sighed, running a hand through my quiffed hair.

"What's wrong, Liam?" Niall asked. "Something bothering you?"

I might as well tell them. "Do you remember on Mack's birthday when I was going to take her out?"

They all nodded in sync. I continued. "Well I ended up just watching films with her in her room and we might have kissed a couple times"

The boys gasped. "Why didnt you tell us?" Harry exclaimed.

I shrugged. "I was confused, and I still am. When we met Mack, I began to like her but I havent broken up with Sophia yet. Mack doesnt know I have a girlfriend." I admitted.

Louis looked at me with this 'are you serious?' face. "Are you serious?!" There it is. "You cheated on Sophia! How do you think Mack would feel if she knew?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. She would be pretty upset. But I like her more than Sophia"

"That doesnt mean that you cheat on Sophia! You need to break things off with one of them!" Louis said.

"But I'm not dating Mack. Not yet at least"  I protested. I was acting really stupid, I know. I just dont like breaking up with people. I feel its mean and it hurts the person.

Harry picked up my phone off of the table in front of us. "Call one of them and break it off so you save both of them from future hurt and- Oh no" He looked down at the phone.

"What?!" Niall exclaimed.

I snatched the phone away and saw the words- Mack: Call Ended. 00:20:31 minutes

"Oh crap" I said aloud.

"What?" Louis asked.

"I butt dialed Mack. She heard the whole conversation."

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