Truth or Dare

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~Liam's POV~

Harry started the game off by daring Louis to eat a little bit of everything in the cupboard combined.

Then Harry asked Niall if he was a virgin for truth, just to make him embarassed because Mack was there. She didnt even flinch.

"I guess I am going back to study. You guys make this game no fun." Mack commented.

Harry and Niall looked alarmed. "No! Um, Niall think of something" Harry nudged the Irish lad.

"Um... truth or dare Liam?" He asked me.

I shrugged. "Dare"

Niall got a smirk on his face. "I dare you to kiss Mack"

And thats when crap went down.

~Mack's POV~

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK NIALL?" I asked him. Liam looked scared of me. I was over-reacting a little.

Liam sighed. "It's okay if you dont wanna kiss me, Mack. I'll take off my shirt". He slowly pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor. He had a look on his face. It was that look that made you feel super guilty inside.

Oh no.. I thought. I was actually getting along with these boys. Now I just ruined it.

I sat quietly for the rest of the game until the end. Harry, Liam and Niall all were left in their boxers while Louis and Zayn just had their shirts off.

"Lets get some food" Zayn suggested. The boys all murmured in agreement and raced eachother into the kitchen. The housekeeper had made some sandwiches.

"Liam? Can I talk to you for a little bit?" I asked as he made his way into the kitchen. He turned to me slowly and nodded.

I took him into the nearest closet and closed the door.

"Listen, I am really sorry about all of this. I didnt mean for it to come out that way. I'm pretty sure you are a wonderful guy but... nevermind." I said to him. I was just about to start explaining myself but I learned not to do that with celebrities. They can use your information against you.

"But what?" he asked, confused. "Did I do something?" He asked. He looked hurt.

"No, no. I just, theres just so much that has gone on in my life and well I dont know. But I am sorry I over-reacted. It was very mean and rude and I am so sorry." I said, leaning forward and putting my hand on his shoulder.

He nodded. "Okay..?" He said, it coming out as more of a question.

I opened the door and walked out, him trailing behind me.

"Oi! What were you two doing in the closet?" Louis asked. I shook my head.

"Relax Lou. I was apologizing for earlier. I was being unreasonable" I said. I looked over at Liam and finally noticed his toned abs. He was so fit it was crazy. And his v-line-

No. I averted my eyes and they ended up on Niall, then Harry, then Louis, then Zayn. Crap. They were all freaking fit.

"Ummm, Mack" Zayn spoke up.

"Huh, what? I ship Zerrie." I said quickly, saying the first thing that came in my mind. I guess I was in my own world.

Chuckling filled the room. "Y-you just said you s-ship Zerrie!" Harry said in between laughs.

"Um, yeah. Perrie is kinda my only friend." I said, smiling at them. Niall looked and cocked his head at me.

"Wait. You only have one friend? And its Perrie?" Now all the attention was on me again.

"Yeah. I dont really get along with celebrities very well, no offense. And everyone I meet only wants to be my 'friend' because my dad is Simon Cowell." I explained to them. They outta know.

"Well, crap, that stinks. We know how you feel. We have each dated at least one or two girls that were with us for fame" Harry commented.

"Wait. Who's your boyfriend?" Liam spoke up. I looked up at him.

"Don't have one. They just want fame and I have had some troubles in the past with them. But I dont want to talk about it" I said.

"Oh sorry I just assumed..' He trailed off. I gave him a smile as to say 'Its okay'. My phone buzzed again. It was Perrie trying to skype me.

I answered it immediatly. "Hey Perrie" I said. Zayn's face instantly lit up.

"Hey girl! How are you?" She asked.

"Oh. I've had an eventful evening" I commented, trying to avoid the stares of the boys. The were listening intently to our converstation.

"Oh! Why is that?" She asked, confused.

"Hey Perrie!" Liam said in the backround. He came from behind me and his arms hung loosely around my shoulders. He rested his head on my shoulder. Perrie could clearly see him.

Where the heck was this coming from?

"Wait, Mack? You and Liam didnt-" Oh no. She thought we actually did 'it'.

"Heck no! My dad said the boys were staying here tonight. I had to keep them under control cause they broke a picture." I told her.

Her eyes softened. "Oh, Mack. It wasnt-" I cut her off again. I didnt want to talk about my mom right now. Not with everyone here.

"It was. But dont worry about it. It wasnt on purpose" I told her. "Do you want to talk to Zayn?" I asked, changing the subject. She nodded happily.

I handed my phone to Zayn and he quickly walked out of the room.

"Mack, what picture was that?" Louis asked softly. I looked down at my shoes.

"Its nothing. You guys didnt mean to break it" I said, shrugging. Even though it was something. A big something.

"But you just said-" Harry started.

"I know, I know. Um, I'm getting kinda tired. You boys can sleep in the three guest rooms upstairs. There is one beside mine and two across. I will see you all in the morning." I told them.

They mumbled 'goodnights' as I walked upstairs. I changed into an oversized jersey that met to my mid thigh and crawled into bed.

Something about those boys were different. They werent like other celebritites. They had promising. And that, made me rethink what i originally thought of the boys. That night, was the first night I had a dream about the boys of One Direction.

~~ So that was the next chapter! Tell me what you guys thought! I would love to hear from my readers! Vote, Comment, Fan! I will be updating soon! Love you guys! Xx

~Gabby Xx (:

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