And It All Makes Sense To Me

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~Mack's POV~

The boys were loud. No, not like they just talked loud, everything about them was loud.

Louis would randomly scream something and then Niall would laugh really loudly. Then Zayn and Harry would have a serious conversation that would eventually lead them to talking and yelling over eachother to prove a point.

Liam sit quietly and watch them with an amused expression, commenting every now and then or making a joke.

I couldnt help but smile at them as I turned onto the dirt trail. It was barely noticable and you had to know what you were looking for to find it.

The boys slowly went silent.

"Where are we going?" Louis finally piped up.

"You'll see" I said with a smile. I could see Liam out of the corner of my eye. He was trying to read my expression, trying to figure out what I was hiding.

The boys began to talk again and I finally reached the end of the dirt trail. I stopped the car and began to get out. It was a small dirt clearing surrounded by woods.

"Um, Mack? This is what you wanted to show us?" Harry asked as the boys piled out of the car.

I laughed. "No. We have to walk a little. Are you pretty boys up for it?" I teased.

I could hear Niall groan behind me. I reached in the trunk and got my bag and my guitar.

"You have a guitar in your trunk?" Harry asked, smiling.

I shrugged. "I keep one in there just in case"

I began to walk up the hill into the woods, making sure the boys followed.

After about ten minutes of walking in silence, I finally found it.

"Great! We're lost!" Harry said, throwing his hands in the air. We were in front of a huge stone wall-like thing.

I rolled my eyes. "Calm your tits. I know where I'm going" I told him, earning snickers from the rest of the boys.

I found a small ledge in the rock and began to climb up it. I got to the top and swung my leg over, looking down at the boys.

"Are you guys coming or what?" I asked, amused by the shocked looks on the boys' faces. They looked like they didnt want to do any exercise ever again.

I turned and jumped over, landing in the lush grass below. Here we are, I thought. It was my private oasis. No one, that I know of, knows it exists.

There was a wall around the place, all of the rocks similar to the one I climbed over. They were about 9-10 feet tall and they shielded the beautiful place from the wind. The tall rocks kind of curved in at the top, creating a little roof from above, but not much.

One side of my small secret place was part of a moutain. That made up half of the wall. A small waterfall came from about the middle of the rock and fell into a clear, blue lake which filtered out through a crack in one of rhe rock walls. Everything here, in nature, was recycled and reused.

Lilypads and beautiful flowered plants surrounded the lake and lush grass grew tall on the ground. My favorite part about here was my hiding spot. It was a cave behind the waterfall.The water shields it. It looks like it was carved into the side of the mountain and it runs very deep.

A couple bushes sprinkled around the place grew delicious tasting fruits and berries. There were even two apple trees in the far corner.

I came here often, so I found large, smooth stones to sit on and organized them into a little circle. This was an image of survival. You had food, water, shelter; everything.

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