The next day, as Bella was working on the climax of her story, her cell phone rang. She was tired of packing and going through shit. She needed a break, focusing her mind on something other than this cross-country move. It was excited and exhilarating, but stressful as well. She had to have her first draft done before she left. She was in a groove and wanted to get her ideas on the page, but she was anxious to speak to Edward, as well. It had been a couple of days since she last spoke with him. Swiping the screen, she answered the phone. "Hey, Superman," she cooed.

"I'm sorry about not calling last night. Things got crazy and then when I got home, Liam was struggling his project on kangaroos for his science project. He had the pictures, but was having a hard time putting the information with the pictures," Edward chuckled. "We were working on it until almost eleven."

"It's okay, Edward. How did he do?" Bella asked.

"I don't know, but he was proud of his work when he turned it in," Edward chuckled. "So, did you get a chance to look at the house? I walked through it again today on my way home from work and Bella, I love it. It's perfect for us."

"It's so expensive," Bella whispered. "Edward, I don't want you to buy a house that is too much for you. It's too much for me to even fathom."

"Bella, I want you to live with us. I understand your need to have your own place, but I want you to live with us. I can see us becoming a family in that house. Turning it from a house into a home," Edward breathed. "I want to put an offer in tomorrow morning. I'm off in the morning and don't go into until after noon. Plus, my real estate agent said that it was overpriced. It's been on the market for a while. I need to get out of here, Bella. Carlisle's back and each time I see him, I want to punch his face."

"Like my dad?" Bella snorted. "I can't believe he did that."

"I did. He was avenging your honor, sweetness. My dad had it coming," Edward sighed. "He's apologized numerous times to me and to my mom, but he's still sleeping in the guest room."

"He hasn't apologized to me. That's why," Bella said, her voice flat. "He never even tried."

"And that's why he's in the guest room. He knows that he made a mistake, but he's too fucking stubborn," Edward uttered. "And you know that you're not what he said, or what he implied."

"I know. And I know that I should have a thicker skin, but it still hurt. A lot," Bella whispered. "But, make that offer, Edward. If you still want me, I'll move in, by December."

"Really?" Edward asked. "And of course, I still want you. I want you by my side, always. I'd rather you just move in with me, but I understand your reasoning why. Have you found a place?"

"I'm leaning toward Addison at Tampa Oaks," Bella said. "They have a six-month lease available, beginning in June. As soon as we get back from our trip to wherever, I'm moving into the apartment."

"Lots of changes, sweetness," Edward said quietly. "Good changes, mostly." He tugged on his hair, wishing he could hold her. He wanted to be with her so badly because he still felt unsettled with what had happened prior to her departure two weeks ago; Lucy had loved Bella. Liam was warming up to her. Esme thought that Bella hung the moon, but his dad had almost unglued everything good thing that had happened with Bella with one irate tirade. "I can't wait until you're with me. I miss you so much, baby."

"I miss you, too," Bella murmured. "But, I'll be there soon. I've got two weeks left at work and then I'll be in Tampa permanently. My stuff will be in a storage unit until I move into the apartment and navigating my dad might be interesting, but I'll be there."

"I wish I could help you, Bella," Edward said. "Are you sure that I can't do anything? Pay for the movers?"

"The university is giving me a moving stipend. The only thing that I'd want would be someone to share the drive, but I know that you're married to your job and my dad is unable to come," Bella shrugged. "I'll be fine. I have it all planned, with hotels already reserved and I'm bringing my car in to be serviced just prior to my departure."

"I still don't like it," Edward grumbled. "What about Alice?"

"I'd rather swallow battery acid," Bella deadpanned. "A week in the car with hyperactive and chirpy? Fuck. No."

"Well, okay then," Edward laughed. "You have to promise me to text each time you stop for gas and call once you get settled into the hotels along the way. I wish I could be there, but this is the next best thing." They spoke on the phone for another hour until Bella started yawning. With quiet I love yous and whispers of seeing each other soon, they hung up. Bella worked a little bit on her story before crashing.

xx TOTGA xx

The final two weeks at the library went by quickly. Her home was packed up and she was living out of a suitcase. The movers came early and Bella was staying with Jasper and Alice until she was driving to Tampa. "Bella, I still can't believe you're leaving," Alice frowned.

"I can't believe it, either," Bella smiled as she made some of her brownies for her goodbye party. "I'm excited about this change in my life, but terrified, too."

"And it's more than one change," Alice said, hopping up on the counter, watching as Bella worked deftly in her kitchen. "You're moving back to Tampa. You have a new position at the University of Tampa. AND you're going to do your first appearance as Marie Cigno, announcing the film for Mafia Princess."

"That was all you and Jane," Bella snorted. "I'm grateful it's happening after I'm starting at the university."

"You may have an influx of students because of the movie," Alice quipped, dipping her finger in the chocolatey batter. "I'm so going to fucking miss these. You left the recipe, right?"

Bella wiggled the notecard, but giggled. "Not like you'd be able to recreate them, Alice. You're hopeless in the kitchen." Alice scowled, wrinkling her nose. "It's true, Ali."

"Well, once you get settled, Jasper and I will fly out. I want to check out Tampa and see where you came from," Alice said. "And go shopping for you. You have a new job and new climate."

"It all revolves around shopping," Bella smirked.

"Always," Alice beamed.

The next day, the staff lounge had been decorated in streamers, balloons and a banner wishing Bella the best of luck. Almost all the staff attended Bella's last day. Jane and Alice attended as well. Jane looked completely out of place, wearing a skin-tight black dress and bright red lips, surrounded by frumpy, dumpy librarians. Her coworkers thought that Jane was an actress, but Jane was aloof about her connection to Bella.

After the library closed, Alice, Jasper, and Jane had a party with the New Moon staff, celebrating the contract with Summit and confirmation for Bella's inaugural convention in Las Vegas, showing her face as the elusive Marie Cigno and promoting her newest book and upcoming movie deal. Alice and Bella got drunk. Bella sent some seductive, sexy photos to Edward.

Early on Monday morning, Bella filled up her gas tank and set her navigation system to her first stop. She hugged Alice and Jasper goodbye, crying as she shut the door on this chapter of her life. Clambering into her car, Bella took off to begin the next chapter.

A/N: And so, Bella is on her way back to Tampa. And Edward put an offer on an expensive house. Did he get the house? We'll find out as soon as we return. Leave me some loving! Thanks for reading! I appreciate it! ;-)

The One That Got AwayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin