Bonus: Twelve Years Later

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A/N: Unfortunately, this is the end of Neighbors. Read the bottom.

"Sanji?" Zoro called.

Zoro scratched his cheek as Sanji poked his head into the living room. He watched his husband stare down the brunette man sitting nervously on the couch across the room. Zoro wrapped his arms around the back of the couch. Sanji wrapped his apron around his hips.

"Can you explain to me, why. There is another male in this house who isn't friends or family?" Zoro asked, "Looking around Loulee's age?"

"Oh, I invited him over for dinner. This is Dustin, Loulee's boyfriend." Sanji said.

"Boyfriend huh?" Zoro hummed.

"Yes dear."

Zoro waved his hand as Sanji gulped nodding and leaving to go to the kitchen. Dustin bit his lip holding his hands between his knees and terrified for his life. Zoro sat forward resting his forearms on his knee's. His one silver eye glaring down the young adult.

"What makes you think you can date my daughter without my knowledge?" Zoro asked low and gruff.

"S-Sir I mean only well for your daughter." Dustin said.


He trotted in jumping up and smelling Dustin until he got to his coat pocket. Chopper turned to Zoro and huffed.

"What's in your pocket son?" Zoro asked.

"I wanted to ask you later sir." Dustin sighed, "But can I have your permission to marry your daughter."

Zoro squinted at him before turning to Sanji cowering in the kitchen, "You knew."

He turned back to the boy and laced his fingers together.

"I reserve my judgement." Zoro said.

He got up and left, as the door slammed Sanji sighed and stepped out into the living room. Dustin sighed turning to Sanji.

"My husband is very over protective, of everyone in his life. So don't take it to heart. You have my blessing if it counts." Sanji said.

"I'm sorry sir, as much as it means to me. I've heard what he's done to Loulee's ex boyfriends. I want to be the one to prove to her I'm different." Dustin said.

Sanji chuckled leaning against the doorframe, "I wish you luck, and lots of it. Maybe you'll be lucky and he won't kill you."

The door opened as Loulee stepped in pushing back her sunglasses. She hung up her coat and kicked off her shoes.

"Is dad okay? He's at uncle Luffy's working out." Loulee asked.

Sanji gasped, "Are you sure?"

She nodded, "I drove past and there he was on the pull up bar."

Loulee noticed Dustin and gasped, she slapped a hand over her mouth and turned to Sanji. He nodded as Dustin turned to her, she sat down next to him and put a hand on his.

"I'm sorry." Loulee said, "I'll go talk to him."

"I wouldn't do that sweetheart, give your father some time to burn off some steam." Sanji said.

Three hours later the door slammed shut, Sanji turned to Zoro walking in. He smiled and approached his husband. He handed him a clean towel and some water. Zoro took it sipping it down and blotting his face.

"I saved you some dinner. Dustin left a little while ago." Sanji said.

"How long have you known?" Zoro asked.

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