Green and Double Gold

Start from the beginning

"Loulee, you look beautiful." Sanji gasped.

"Rub and pop your lips." Yonji said.

Sanji rubbed his lips before popping them, Yonji smiled capping the Chapstick.

"I saw Zoro, and he looks really good." She grinned.

"Everyone we have to go!" Robin called.

Yonji added Sanji's veil before he, Loulee and Sanji all headed downstairs. Outside were police cars to escort them to Zoro's parents house. Where the father's were patiently waiting. Sanji and Zoro were headed into different cars as the sirens blew and the cars took off. Zoro pulled out the radio.

"Ace, I trust you will get my bride there on time. Over." Zoro said.

"Yeah yeah, I can do it. Over." Ace replied.

"This is so cool!" Luffy said into his radio.

"Hey Ace, look. Uh we have a two twenty five. Over." Sabo said.

"Roger Roger, over."

Loulee, Sanji and Yonji snickered in the back.

"Ace can I talk to Zoro?" Sanji asked.


Ace pulled the radio mic into the back as Sanji pressed the button.

"Hey Zoro, over." Sanji said.

"That's officer Roronoa to you, over." Zoro chuckled.

"Can you do me a favor? Over."

"What's that, over."

"Over where?" Luffy asked.

Sanji chuckled, "Don't get Lost. Over."

"First you say what's that over, now you say don't get lost over. Over where?"

They laughed as Sanji handed Ace back the mic while Sabo explained you say over after your done talking. Sanji gasped to the large mansion they pulled up to.

"They live here?" Sanji gasped.

"Escort both of the grooms to there rooms, until we have the backyard set up." Nami called.

The groomsmen and grooms maids gathered around them to keep there eyes from wandering. Sanji and Zoro were escorted up two different flights of stairs cases and into spare rooms. Yonji went around with his camera taking professional photos. Before he went to Zoro's room. Getting some pictures until he stood at the bottom of both of the stairs.

"I want Zoro down first." Yonji called.

Zoro smirked opening the door as him and his party headed down the stairs to the main floor. Yonji got a few good other pictures.

"Yonji I thought you were a beautician?" Zoro asked.

"Honey, I am many things. Some I don't want to talk about. But. I can do anything."

"Besides cook!" Sanji called.

"Ha ha, very funny."

Yonji straightened his coat and brushed off his shoulder, Mihawk came in a moment later.

"We are starting." Mihawk said.

Zoro and his groomsmen headed down to the backyard, where a few of there friends and colleagues sat in the foldable while chairs. At the end stood a priest who nodded to Zoro as he stood next to him. Yonji got around taking pictures of the grooms before Sanji's group headed down the isle. Once the end of Sanji's party had stood across from Zoro. The guests stood as the back doors of there mansion opened. Zoro held his wrist over his hips watching Loulee skipped out with a small basket, she stopped and dropped a handful of pedals. Then she would skip on. Once the doors had finally opened all the way Zoro glanced up. His smile faded, as his heart skipped a beat, eye widened and slowly welling with tears. The girls awed as he slowly raised a hand to his lips and gasped softly. Sanji smiled softly and approached him with Zeff on his arm, while Yonji got the pictures. Zoro sniffled and wiped his eyes as Sanji stood next to him. Sanji smiled looking at him in his formal suit, reaching over and wiping away his tear.

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