Chapter 2

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Mira handed the ice mage some juice for Silver and some water for himselfp but Gray didn't notice. Gray was watching Silver with a loving look on his face. Mira smiled and nudged the ice mage, making him look at her. 

"You're already attached aren't you?" She smiled. 

"Mira, you know how much I love kids, you shouldn't even have to ask me that question." He smiled and turned his attention back to the kid who was eating a bite of cake, Erza's cake, Gray looked shocked before shaking his head and carrying the juice over to him. 

"Here" Gray handed the juice over to Silver and sat next to him. 


"So what do you think of the guild so far?" Erza asked.

"I love it! I want to join someday!" The boy smiled that replica of Natsu's smile and both girls smiled as well after gawking for a bit.

"Maybe one day you can." Gray looked down at the table. "So what do you want to do today?" 

"can you show me your magic?" Silver looked up at Gray with pleading eyes and a smile that no one could say no to.

Gray took one look at that face and instantly caved. "Sure." he smiled. The ice mage put his hands together and formed the fairy tail insignia just as he did for Lucy when she went on the first mission with them. The child's face lit up and his eyes practically glittered, he smiled and held out his small hands.

"Can I hold it?"

"sure." Gray placed the small item in the boys hand and was surprised when it didn't melt.  "
Oh, I forgot to ask but where is your dad?" Gray watched the boy. 

"He's gone to look for food, he showed me where your house was before leaving though." the boy looked up at Gray. "Also he said he wanted to talk with you." 

Gray's heart skipped a beat as he was told that Natsu wanted to speak to him. Both Erza and Lucy took a look at the ice mage's stunned face and they both giggled. Gray looked over at them with confusion written on his face and they smiled. 

Lucy pulled gray across the table and whispered in his ear "You have another chance to fix things Gray." they both sat back and it took a minute before Gray could process what Lucy had meant but when he did, he grinned and nodded.

Gray turned to the kid and asked "Well what do you want to do in the meantime? anything you want and we'll do it!" 

Silver smiled brightly "can you show me around?" 

"sure, lets go" Gray stood up along with the child. "Hey Erza, are you busy today?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"You're in charge for the day" 

she nodded and watched as Silver grabbed a hold of Gray's hand and dragged him out of the guild, she smiled and laughed a little at the adorable child.

"Hey Erza?"

"Yes Lucy?" The red haired female looked over at the blonde.

"Do you think that Natsu and Gray will be able to patch things up between them?" she looked down.

"I hope so, its so obvious that Gray still harbors feelings towards Natsu, ever since Natsu left he has been in a slump and he still is, it's been 7 years and this is the first time I, or anyone else for that matter has seen Gray smile a genuine smile, that boy, he brought some of the light back into our nakama, and we can only hope that the rest of that light can be seen again as well. " Erza and Lucy sighed. 

Gray and Silver were walking through the streets in magnolia, Gray had showed him almost everything except Natsu's old house, they were heading in that direction to the forest now. 

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