"Smarty pants here didn't pack a jacket so we can't." Jack told his mom. "May has an old one in the closet that will fit her." his mother replied without even looking up from her baking. I laughed and jumped off of the stool I had climbed on and grabbed Jack's hand. "Come on." I said and pulled him along to the hall closet. I searched through it until I found an old black puffed jacket and pulled it on. "You need gloves and a hat too, it's cold." Jack said running upstairs and leaving me downstairs alone. I looked over at the pictures that covered the walls and laughed at the pictures of Jack looking absolutely adorable. A couple minutes later Jack came from down the stairs and shoved a hat roughly onto my head. "Ow butthead." I said as I took the gloves from him and put them on. "You ready?" Jack asked after he had his own jacket on and buttoned up. "Yup." I said and we slipped outside into the cold.

*Alex's POV*

"I'm bored Baz." I said rubbing behind Sebastian, my Papillion dog's ears. Baz didn't say anything, just leaned into my hand and I sighed before gently picking him up and placing him on the bed. We had been home for about 2 weeks and I was already dying of boredom. I hated not having something to keep my mind busy. Whenever I was alone and had nothing to occupy my time my mind flew through the past 6 months. The first couple weeks I had tried to drink every single last thought of Leah away but it got old quickly. The guys finally convinced me to stop and I sobered up a bit more.

I still missed her though; I knew Jack visited her from time to time. I always begged him to come over once he got back and tell me how she was doing. In reality I wanted her back but I was afraid she wouldn't want me back. There was also the fact that she was back in college and I was heading to the UK for a 2 month tour in January. I sighed as I thought about her and decided to stop wallowing in self-pity. I had let Leah go; I had no one to blame but myself. I climbed out of bed and padded quietly out of my room and down the hallway. I turned into Rian's room and threw myself across his bed. "Do you need to do this?" he groaned as my feet rested on his back.

"Yes, I'm bored." I said and Rian pushed my feet off of him. "Go play a video game." he instructed and I made a whining noise. "But I played them all." I cried. "Really Alex? You have so much stuff, go do something. I'm gonna take a nap." Rian said sounding very much like an annoyed parent. "But Rian everything is boring." I whined and he moaned. "Go like call Jack or something." Rian said sleepily and I mumbled "Whatever." as I climbed over him and out of his room, shutting the door loudly behind me. I dragged my feet down the hallway and searched for my phone so I could call Jack. Hopefully he wasn't busy and I could go over there or he could come over here and we could play some games. Once I found my cell phone under Peyton, my other dog, I called him. The phone rang for a couple minutes and then went to voicemail. I groaned as I waited for the beep, Jack had an obnoxiously long voicemail.

"Hey dude, it's Alex. Call me back." I said before hanging up and falling back onto the bed. I wondered what Jack must be doing that he wouldn't answer the phone. I climbed to my feet after staring at the ceiling for a while and walked down to the kitchen. I rummaged through the fridge hoping to find something to eat but when I found nothing I growled. "Rian! We have no food left!" I shouted up the stairs but he didn't respond. "Guess I'll just have to go get some food." I said climbing back upstairs to change. Once I was dressed I walked down the stairs, grabbed my jacket that was by the door and slipped it on. I headed out of the door and unlocked my car. I searched around for the snow scraper in the backseat until I found it.

I heated up the car while I cleaned off of the snow and when I finally got all of it off I climbed into the car. I blew my hot breath into my cold hands before backing out of the driveway. When I finally got to the grocery store I pulled on my beanie and a pair of sunglasses, hoping no one would recognize me. I wasn't really in the mood to deal with anyone today, especially squealing girls. I walked quickly into the warm store, grabbed a shopping cart and started going down the aisles. My mind wandered to the Christmas party Rian and I would be having in a few days on Christmas Eve. We had invited a whole bunch of people and I hoped they would all show up.

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