Chapter 8: Messages From Alpha Trion

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"Cliff, why is Sabrina up so early? I remember you said that you hate getting up early." Ratchet asks.

"She doesn't. Cee and I found her while we were scouting the energon signal," Cliff says.

"Why wasn't she at home?" Optimus asks.

Sabrina wakes up and starts to walk forward, "I overheard Mr. and Mrs. Tucker talking last night. They said they'll finally tell me my brother and I are adopted." Sabrina says as she takes a few more steps and walks off Cliff's shoulder.

Optimus catches her before she hits the floor, then sets her down on the floor. Optimus turns on his holoform, and it helps Sabrina to her feet.

"Thanks for the help," Sabrina says.

"You're welcome, and I thought you wanted your parents to tell you how you came to be a part of their family," Optimus says, slightly confused.

"I do. Now that I know I'm Cybertronain like you and the other Autobots. I'm not sure where I belong." Sabrina says before fainting from her fever again.

"Cliff, what's wrong with Sabrina? Why does she have a fever?" Optimus asks, noticing Sabrina's feverish appearance.

"I don't know. She just started to feel pain in her arm even though it's not transforming, then she just fainted," Cliff says.

"Cliffjumper, you and Arcee need to take the energon to the reserves while I take her to the medical bay," Optimus says.

Cliff nods as he and Arcee start taking the energon to the storage area. Ratchet follows OPtimus' holoform to the medical bay. Ratchet scans her and is confused when he can't find anything physically wrong to cause her to have such a high fever.

"I don't know why this is happening, but the human medical journal I've read also mentioned if a human's body temperature goes too high, their internal organs can shut down. We need to find a way to bring her fever down," Ratchet says.

Ratchet found some human medical equipment he could use to at least keep Sabrina hydrated using an IV drip while he and Optimus searched the base for some more supplies.

"Ratchet, I think that other girl I failed to rescue in Ravenwood yesterday could be Sabrina's sibling," Optimus says.

"How can you be so sure, old friend," Ratchet replies.

"The girls looked like mirror images of one another, so I think since Sabrina must be feeling her twin sister's pain and her fever as well," Optimus says.

"It's possible, so where is the girl?" Ratchet says.

"Aboard the nemesis. Knockout captured her," Optimus says.

Meanwhile, Knockout took Natasha to the medical bay on the nemesis and couldn't figure out why Natasha had a fever. He had to do a physical exam and found a small cut on Natasha's right shoulder blade. He remembers reading in Natasha's note what an effect cut looks like, and Natasha's cut looked exactly how the teen's notes described.

"So, do you want to wake her up to find out how she got the cut," Breakdown asks.

"No, Breakdown. We need to get some medicine and something to keep her fever down to prevent her organs from shutting down," Knockout explains.

Sabrina is sure this is a dream since she's not in the base. Instead, the same half of a robot with a long beard looks down at her.

"Aplha Trion Am I dead? Why did I feel that random bout of pain, and why do I have a fever when I don't feel sick?" Sabrina asks, unsure of what's going on.

"You are not dead. You have a twin sister. Since your sparks are connected, you feel the other's pain." Alpha Trion says.

"Why do I have a fever then," Sabrina asks.

"It is possible that pain isn't the only thing twins feel with their shared spark bond. Now, you must rescue her from the Decepticons before they brainwash her into believing that you and the other Autobots are her enemies." Alpha Trion says.

"How am I supposed to rescue my sister?" Sabrina asks.

"You must get help from your human family." Alpha Trion says.

"That's not going to happen." Sabrina snaps. "They've been keeping the secret that I'm adopted my entire life," Sabrina adds.

"I'll contact you again." Alpha Trion says.

"Alpha Trion, wait!" Sabrina shouts.

Sabrina slowly opens her eyes. Everything is blurry for a few seconds until she sees Cliffjumper's holoform looking down at her. She quickly sits up before realizing that it is a terrible idea. Multiple copies of everything appear before her as the room spins around. Ratchet puts his finger on her shoulder and pushes her back on the bed.

"Ep, Ep, Ep, you're not going anywhere." Ratchet orders.

Sabrina tries to shake off the dizzy spell and gets up again. Ratchet gently pushes down on her shoulder to keep her from moving.

"But Alpha Trion told me that I need to rescue my sister from the deceptions," Sabrina argues.

"You are in no shape to storm the Nemesis partner," Cliff says.

"Cliff is right, plus it's too dangerous. You need to rest, we'll get to work locating the ship, and once we do, we'll bring your sister back here," Ratchet says.

In the Nemesis' medical bay, Natasha's eyes begin to flutter, then half of a robot with a long beard looking down at her.

"Alpha Trion, sir, why are you contacting me?" Natasha asks.

"Your Cybertronian form will fully activate in the next few weeks." Alpha Trion says.

"So, is there anyone out there who can help me?" Natasha asks.

"Yes, but you need to head to Jasper." Alpha Trion replies.

"Why do I have to go there?" Natasha asks.

"Knockout is only helping you gain your trust so the Decepticons can use you to locate the Autobots' base to destroy them," Alpha Tron says.

"Why should I care about the Autobots' base getting destroyed," Natasha asks.

"Because your sister is there," Alpha Tron says.

Alpha Trion starts to disappear when Natasha slowly opens her eyes and tries to sit up on the exam table.

"You are going anywhere, my dear, but you need to take this for your fever and to help fight that infection you got from the cut on the back of your right shoulder,' Knockout says, giving her a dose of the medicine he 'bought' from the Ravenwood pharmacy.

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