Chapter Eight

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So, before I start this chapter, I'm just going to mention that I was going to write Sebastian speaking in Romanian (well, I kinda do have him speaking a tiny bit of Romanian in this chapter, like writing Romanian into it, not just saying he said something in Romanian), but I don't know any Romanian - except for a couple things - and I don't really trust Google Translate all that well.


Day Eight - December 21st

"Chris! We need more food!" Is the first thing Chris hears once he wakes up the next morning. Sebastian wasn't in bed beside him, and the only other place he could possibly be, is downstairs in the kitchen. "The fridge and pantry are both empty!" Sebastian yells out from downstairs, causing Chris to groan in slight annoyance.

Honestly, Chris simply wanted to stay in bed for a bit longer, but unfortunately he's not going to be able to do that now, since it seems that Sebastian no doubt wants him to go out to the supermarket right now and get more food. Though usually Sebastian does the grocery shopping, but it most likely seems that Sebastian would rather stay at home right now with the girls while Chris goes out to the shop.

Slowly, Chris stumbles out of bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he checks the time on his phone. It was currently eight in the morning, and he's got no idea why on earth Sebastian is up before him, usually Sebastian doesn't get out of bed till nine thirty at the earliest, and ten thirty at the latest.

Looking over at the door as the sound of footsteps are approaching and the sound of Sebastian most likely muttering something in Romanian that Chris can't understand, Chris sets his phone back down on the bedside table, before walking over to the door and opening it, and the sight he sees. Sebastian had a hand resting on his stomach as he walked over to their bedroom, though for some reason he wasn't wearing a shirt. Chris definitely isn't about to complain about that though.

"Oh, good." Sebastian starts, once he sees Chris standing in the doorway watching him. "You're up." He says, walking over to him a little quicker. "I need you to go out to the supermarket and buy more food."

"Why me?" Chris asks, yawning a little, as Sebastian stops in front of him, placing his hands on his hips. "You know I'm bound to bring home the wrong stuff." He says.

"Well, I'd go out and get the groceries myself, but I hate our stupid car." Sebastian starts. "Plus, I'm not in the mood to be around a bunch of other shoppers in a big crowded supermarket." He says. "You know how busy it can get round this time of year, and I'm not so sure I can physically deal with that."

Well, Sebastian does have a point there. Chris wouldn't want to send Sebastian out shopping if he doesn't think he'll be able to cope with how crowded and busy it'll be this time of year, also, considering Sebastian is pregnant, it would be better for him not to go out shopping today. It was bad enough this time of year when Sebastian was still working at the supermarket honestly.

"Alright then." Chris sighs in defeat. "I'll go out and do the grocery shopping." He says.

Sebastian sighs in relief, moving closer to Chris and planting a kiss on his husband's cheek. "Thank you, Chris." He says. "I'm just gonna go write you out a list of stuff that we need." He says, pulling away from Chris. "And yes, I'll write which brands we need them in so you don't come home with the wrong stuff." He adds before Chris even gets a chance to ask.

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