Chapter One

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Before I start this, I'm just gonna mention that I'm also posting this up onto my AO3 account. My user over there is Candy_Kittens


Day One - December 14th

It's Christmas season, and in the Evans household the family of four - soon to be five in a few more months - are currently all cuddled up in bed together before they decide to venture out downstairs into the kitchen for breakfast. The oldest of the Evans clan, Chris - the alpha - had the family's eldest daughter, Taissa laying across his chest, while his mate, Sebastian - the omega - was laying next to them on his side, one hand resting on his six months pregnant belly, and the other wrapped around the waist of their youngest daughter, Emma.

On the agenda for today, the family pretty much just planned to stay at home for the day and watch Christmas movies. Something that they've always done as a family, and both the kids enjoy it, especially Taissa who's top favorite Christmas movie has to be that Santa Buddies movie. Chris and Sebastian are worried that that's her way of saying that she wants to get a dog. Unfortunately for her though, both Chris and Sebastian don't think it would be such a good idea to get a dog just yet, not when there's another baby on the way.

Tomorrow though, the Evans clan plan on going out to buy a new Christmas tree, and then start decorating it once they get home. Now that should prove to be an interesting situation tomorrow, it always is in the Evans house. It certainly doesn't help that Sebastian's cat, Muffy is a mischievous little shit, and just likes to make things a little difficult, especially round Christmas. Fortunately though, as Muffy gets older each year, he seems to get just a little less mischievous, and becomes more lazy, though it doesn't seem to stop the ginger furball from getting in the way.

"I think it's time we all get up now." Chris decides after awhile, glancing over at Sebastian who looked like he was more awake than he was when the girls came running into the room and onto their parents bed.

"No, daddy!" Emma whines. "Wanna stay in bed with mama!"

That causes both Chris and Sebastian to laugh a little at their youngest. Emma is such a mommy's girl, while Taissa is more of a daddy's girl, but both Chris and Sebastian love it, and they definitely can't wait to bring their third daughter into the world.

"I'm getting up also, Em." Sebastian says, smiling at his daughter. "But you and Taissa go downstairs with daddy first." He tells her. "Mommy will be down in a bit."

Emma whines in protest, clinging onto Sebastian's shirt as she refused to get up with her father and older sister. This happened quite often some mornings in the Evans house, especially when the weather is colder, and today seemed to be no different than the other days when the girls would come into their parents room in the morning and climb into bed with them.

"Emma, mommy will be down with us in a bit." Chris says, as he sits up in bed with Taissa sitting on his lap. "He just needs to have some mommy time first."

But Emma doesn't seem to be wanting to give up so soon. She wants to stay cuddled up under the blankets with her mother instead of going downstairs with her father and older sister.

Sebastian sighs, as he sits up in bed, Emma moving so she's sitting on his lap, still not wanting to let go of him. It doesn't seem very likely that he'll be able to stay in bed for a bit longer now before he goes to join Chris and the girls downstairs for breakfast now.

"You're not gonna go downstairs with daddy and Taissa, are you?" Sebastian asks, looking down at Emma, who had her arms wrapped around him as much as she could manage.

12 Days Of Christmas || Evanstan (mpreg) ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu