Kaldur is back

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Serpents pov.

. "Omfg NN you are going to love him." Yelled rocket about to explode. I nod. I don't really care to much for him. I mean Iv never met him. I mean he went bad didn't he. Ugh. I don't care.

I'm walking around the room and I make eye contact with Roy. I smile and brush my hair back. Just remembering that day.

~~flash back 8 months back~~

"Help please. Help. Any one!!" I yelled knowing someone had to be out there. But I was getting weak the fire was blazing and all the other amazons where out as well. Then a group of heroes came. "Hi I'm red arrow. Nice to meet u N. But I don't have time to talk. So let's go." This red head mumbled blushing. Cute. That night we went to mt justice and boy we got to know each other. (No there was no sex.) we just kissed, a lot but mum or dad can not know.

~~flash back over~~

Any way I stop day dreaming when Wally scares me. "NN stop day dreaming kuldar has been staring at you for about a minute. "Oh thanks kf. Hi um kuldar I'm N. Or you can call me water serpent, I'm aquaman and Wonder Woman's kid. Um yeah. Nice to meet you." I said, mumbled, yelled I don't know. Rocket was right I am going to love him. But Roy. Omfg. I should even consider this boy as cute I love Roy. Right. Ugh Iv met him once. UGH!!!

<<time skip>> 24 hours

So its mission time. "Ok guys. Aqualad, serpent, Miss M you are going the water way. You guys cool with that. Your drop off point is 5ks from shaw. We need all security on repeat and gards  knocked out. Serpent!!" Dick stared at me. I rolled my eyes and got in the air ship.

We are at drop and we fall in to the water. "This is not going to be a fun swim." I add. "Why?" Magan asks. "Um. 5ks. I think I would rather here Wally explain how his speed works," I added. Aqualad was very quite.

We are still swimming it's been like a hour. "So we are a k from the beach any idea how we are going to do this?" Aqualad asks. "I can make a large wave we go to the beach on that then u do your tec thing." I answered. He nods. Wait he thinks it's a good idea. But know one but rocket and miss m like my ideas Roy said my ideas are stupid. Ugh. Men!!!

So we meet at the next point and all we need to do now is wait. But we get a message from kf as he comes sprinting our way. "What the hell kf!" I yell. He came closer to see blood he was bleeding bad. He was beaten and panting. "The... Oth-ers they.... Have--- Been" he feel to the floor. We knew very well.

The waters serpent (aqualad X reader.)Where stories live. Discover now