Chapter 12: Building Strength

Começar do início

" Yeah, come on," I said. I walked out the back door, Cas followed.

" Okay I want you to try going a bit further, to the gate over there," he pointed to the gate going into the front yard. I nodded my head and repeated the steps. I closed my eyes then opened them. I was at the gate.

" I did it!" I yelled out to Cas, He smiled. I suddenly felt dizzy, the next thing I knew the world was turning to the side and Cas was running towards me, then everything went black.


" Angellika!!" Castiel screamed as he ran towards Angellika's body. He picked her up and felt her pulse, she was still breathing. He ran inside holding her body close to his chest.

" Oh my God, what happened?!" Jody said.

Castiel layed her body on the couch,
" I told her to go to the gate using her wings, she did it, but then she fainted," he said.

" Dean get some ice water from the kitchen and a damp tea towel!" Jody yelled, " Sam get some clean towels from the bathroom."

Sam and Dean obeyed her orders and ran to get the stuff. They both came back with the stuff. Jody placed the damp tea towel on Angellika's head, tapping it against her forehead hoping she would wake up. When she didn't, Jody picked up the bucket of ice water and threw it on her, she jolted awake.

Angellika's eyes were white then they went back to normal, Castiel was the only one who noticed it.


I jolted awake, the first thing I see is Castiel's shocked face, he looked like he had seen a ghost, maybe I died and came back to life.

" Sam the towels!" Jody yelled. Sam gave Jody the towels and Jody wrapped them around me.

" What happened?" I asked confused, and hoping I didn't actually die.

" You fainted," Castiel answered, well that's a relief.

" Why am I covered in water?" I asked looking down at my soaking wet clothes.

" I had to throw a bucket of ice water on you to wake you up," Jody said.

" Okay, well I'm gonna get changed out of these clothes, before I die of frost bite," I said hoping off the couch.

I walked into the room I was staying in, I was sharing with Sam and Dean. I got out another pair of jeans, a black singlet, a checked button up shirt and a pair of black boots. I changed into the new clothes and tied my hair up in a ponytail, so it was out of my face while drying.

I walked back out to Jody and the boys, they were standing around waiting.

" Are you alright?" Sam asked.

" I'm fine," I said, " Come on Cas, we've got training to do."

" Oh no you don't!" Jody yelled.

" Why not?" I asked.

" Because you just fainted trying to zap from one place to another, you're not doing anymore training till tomorrow, you're gonna rest!" Jody yelled forcefully.

" Fine!" I yelled, I wasn't going to argue with her, she can get, well scary. Instead I stormed into my room. I sat in the corner of my bed, my head on my knees. How could I be so stupid, why did I faint, what did Castiel see that made his face look like that.

Castiel knocked on the door and walked in the room, closing the door behind him.

" What do you want?" I asked

" I want to make sure you're okay, " he said, coming over and sitting on the bed next to me.

I avoided the question and instead asked one of my own, " What did you see?" I asked.

" What do you mean?" Castiel asked.

" When I woke up, the first thing I saw was your face, I've never seen that face before, you had to of seen something, so what was it?" I stated.

Castiel bowed his head then turned back to me, " I saw your eyes, they were white," he said.

" Did anyone else see them?" I asked.

" No," he replied.

" Good," I said back.

" Has it happened before?" he asked.

" No, but I guessed it would if I kept training," I answered.

He stared at me for a while, I looked at him. We stared into eachothers eyes once again. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. I freaked out and turned away from his eyes. He placed his hand down.

" Are you sure you're okay?" he said.

Not making eye contact with him, I nodded, " I'm fine," I replied.

Castiel got off the bed and walked out the room. He closed the door behind him. I layed down on the bed. I was tired and sore, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up in a middle of a burnt down house, I realised it was Bobby's house. I looked around and saw a familiar face.

" Great I'm dreaming again, aren't I?" I stated.

" Yep, isn't it lovely," Lucifer said with a huge grin.

" What do you want this time Lucifer?" I said, angrily.

" Nothing much, I'm just here to recap your life so far," he said.

" Of course you are, then what's with the House?" I asked.

" Just a memory, but that's not the thing I want to talk about," he said.

" Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

" I don't know maybe your white eyes, or your thing for the angel," he stated.

" Why, why that?" I said even more angry then before.

" Because it's interesting, you see, you have a few lessons on magic angel mojo, then you develop white eyes and a crush, all in only 2 weeks, its just fascinating," he said.

" I'm not listening to this bullshit, I'm not listening to you, your nothing but a bad concious," I said lifting up a piece of broken wood, " Goodbye Satan," I said as I stabbed the wood into my heart.

" NOOOOOOOO!!" Lucifer screamed. I fell to my knees, blood was gushing out my mouth, then I fell backwards.


I woke up in my bed, sweating and sore, I couldn't breath properly. I took a gasp of air when the door shot open. Castiel ran in.

" Are you okay, I heard you scream?!" he said placing his hand on my sweaty forehead.

" I'm fine," I answered, " Just another bad dream."

Castiel's face dropped, " Did it have Lucifer in it?" he asked concerned. I nodded in reply.

" Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

" No," I quickly answered, " No I don't feel like it, it was just, weird, I got out of it," I continued. Castiel nodded and smiled, I smiled back, I didn't want Cas to know about my crush on him.

" Has Jody made dinner?" I asked. Castiel nodded. I jumped off the bed and walked out the door into the hall, Castiel followed. I walked into the kitchen and down at the table for dinner, we all had steak and mash.

 Daughter of the Devil {Supernatural Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora