The Morning After -Written by Cheyenne

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I woke up next to Matt the next morning. His eyes still closed. Oh how cute he looked. He had this smile on his face, even when he slept. His arm was still around me. His hair a ruffled mess from me running my fingers through it so much.. I couldn't believe last night happened, but it did.

I snuggled closer to Matt to keep warm.

"Good morning my love." Matt mumbled in his sexy morning voice as he opened his eyes.

"Good morning cutie" I giggled at his 'bed head'.

"Last night was amazing. I've waited my whole life for something like that" Matt sighed as I blushed.

"Me too. It was great." I sighed. Then I felt queasy and nauseated. I ran to the bathroom and blew chunks into the toilet.

"Jack, are you ok?" Matt asked rushing to the bathroom.

"Yeah. I think so. I'm fine" I said getting up.

"Uh... Jack.." Matt sighed.

We both looked at eachother and realized that we were both still naked.

"OH MY GOD!" I cried of embarrassment and ran to the bedroom to get dressed.

After  we were dressed Matt wrapped his arm around me as we watched "Doctor Who"

"Matt you would look good as the Doctor" I sighed kissing his nose.

"Yeah. That's cute. But I could never do that unless you were to play my companion" Matt laughed.

We sat and talked and cuddled and watching Doctor Who for the rest of morning. Laughing and carrying on

She Fell For Her Older Best Friend (Matt Smith Fanfic) (completed) Where stories live. Discover now