Chapter Eighteen

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The next month was spent happily together. Charlotte went with Aiden to Japan and saw her best friend almost every day she was there. Aiden and her friend hit it off and became friends, which made Charlotte very happy. Her friend was thrilled for Charlotte that she was so happy.

As they flew home from Japan, Aiden and Charlotte compared notes on their calendars.

"Now the week of May 27th I need you to come with me to Japan again."

"Sorry honey. Can't. Too much going on."

"Why not?"

"Paul has his scholarship banquet, Madison has a band concert, Jason has a bowling tournament and Gracie has her kindergarten graduation ceremony."

"They can do all those things without us. Cecily and Mrs. Harrison can handle them."

"Yes, they can. But they won't. It's the end of the school year. I'm their mom. I need to be there."

"But baby, I need you with me." He said, sweetly, trying to convince her.

"I need to be with you too, but I'm with you all the time. It's the kids' turn that week."

"I want you with me." He said insisting.

"No. I worked too hard raising those kids to not be there when my son is handed a big fake check for $40,000 to attend an amazing school."

"But he doesn't need a scholarship. I can pay for it all." Aiden told her.

"Paul earned it. He deserves it. I'm so proud of him and he's so proud of himself. I'm not taking that away from him." Charlotte said adamantly.

"But we haven't been apart one night." Aiden said.

"You survived six years without me. I think you can survive one week." Charlotte said. She wasn't happy he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I don't think I can." He said and tried kissing her. Charlotte turned her face and he only got to kiss her cheek.

"Well, you're going to have to."

Aiden was quiet the rest of the way home and Cecily knew something was up when they both walked in. Charlotte and Aiden didn't speak much to each other that day and spent most of their free time with their own kids.

On Sunday morning, Aiden stayed home from church to get some work done and Cecily decided to stay behind too. She found him alone in his home office.

"What the hell happened? Everything was hunky dory when you left and now you can cut the tension between you two with a knife?" Cecily asked.

"She's refusing to travel with me." Aiden said. "When I need her to."

"When? I thought she loved to travel with you."

"She said she does. But she doesn't want to go the week of the 27th. Something about the kids."

Cecily took out her phone and looked at the calendar.

"The kids have a lot scheduled that week. I see her point."

"But I need her."

"Aiden, I love you but you are being the most insensitive brat. You asked her to be Gracie's mom and she's been wonderful at it. She needs to be there for her kids too. You're not her sole priority."

"You and Mrs. Harrison could cover all those events."

"Charlotte would never in a million years miss Paul's scholarship banquet. He graduates the week after that too."

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