Charlotte picked out some pretty night gowns too. Cecily was pleased because she had seen Charlotte wearing her old ratty pajama pants and Tshirts around the house.

They had lunch together and laughed and talked before heading off to more stores. Their driver was busy bringing things back and forth to the car. They made it home just before Gracie's bus and Gracie was excited to see all the pretty things Charlotte and her grandmother had bought.

"I didn't forget about you Gracie!" Charlotte told her. She opened a bag and held up a pretty dress.
"I thought this would be pretty for church."

Gracie loved the dress and held it up against her. "Thank you mommy!" She said.

"There's more." She said and got out another bag and it was a dress that matched Gracie's dress perfectly. "I always wanted to do a mother-daughter dress with Madison but it never worked out. Now I can with you."

"I'm so happy mommy! Thank you."

Gracie asked to see the other dresses Charlotte bought herself and Gracie loved them. When she opened another bag, Charlotte found the red panties and bra and set them down. Gracie saw them and picked them up and said "Oooh! Daddy's going to like these. They're his favorite color." Charlotte blushed and put them in the laundry basket with the other new undergarments and night gowns to be washed. "Purple is my favorite color." She told her and showed her something else she bought, trying to change the subject. Gracie went off to see what the other kids were up to.

Charlotte and the kids had a good week in their new home. Aiden Skyped Gracie every afternoon before dinner to see how her day was. Gracie would tell him excitedly about everything in kindergarten and how much fun she was having with mommy. He knew she was happy and he was pleased.

That day, Gracie Skyped Aiden and told him "Mommy and Grandma went shopping today." She showed him the new dress Charlotte bought her. "She got one to match it so we can be twins!" Gracie said proudly. "It's a church dress."

"I'm sure you'll be the most beautiful girls at church in your matching dresses."

"I found out Mommy's favorite color is purple and I told her your favorite color is red when I saw the pretty red lacy underwear she bought herself."

"Purple you said?" He asked, trying to change the subject, "Good to know."

Aiden texted his assistant and told her to send Charlotte a bouquet of purple flowers from him after he finished Skyping Gracie. He went to sleep that night and dreamt of Charlotte wearing the red lacy panties and matching bra that Gracie told her about.

The next day, while the kids were at school, Mrs. Harrison delivered the bouquet of purple flowers to her. Charlotte was surprised and read the note which said "Wishing you a happy day. Missing you, Aiden." Charlotte was really touched.

One night Charlotte was surprised when Aiden Skyped her to say hi and to check in.

"Hi! I wanted to see how you were doing and if you needed anything."

"We just need you to come home." She said. "Gracie and I miss you."

"You do?" He asked.

"Yes of course."

"Yes." He agreed. "Gracie and Cecily told me you guys went shopping. Gracie loves the matching dresses. She's really excited about it."

"I'm glad." She said. "I wanted to do that with Madison when she was little but we never had the money. I don't think she'd be caught dead wearing anything that matched her mother now that she's 16." She laughed.

Gracie's Christmas WishWhere stories live. Discover now