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My purpose is to distroy happiness but one person wouldn't break even though they lost everything because of me. Her name is Autumn Renee, I made her twin, her parents, her older brother, her friends, everyone hate her and leave her.

Trying to hurt her was impossible no matter what was thrown her way she smiled. Her parents beat her she smiled, her friends pushed down the stairs she smiled, her teachers failed and told her she's not worth the effort she smiled, her older brother the one she trusted most told her to kill herself she smiled, her twin tried to push her off a building she smiled, she got shot in the stomach she smiled. I brought her to the hospital and frowned how did she run away from the pain.

How did she smile as everyone hurt her. My purpose is to rip people's lives apart it has been since the day I died but this girl smiled through it all. Her purpose is to make others happy even if she can't be. Autumn is stronger than I will ever be.

I heard the door open. I turned to see who it was. Everyone that did her wrong entered the room crying, why do they care they put her in pain. The imbodyment of happiness was put through so much because of me and she smiled through it all.

She opened her eyes still smiling, becoming ghostly pale. "Listen to my words and listen well," she told all of us we all nodded even though they can't see me she could, she's dying "I don't have long but I forgive you for everything. I have two wishes before I go. Soon the doctor will conclude that I am brain dead so I wish that you scavange my body for useful parts, give them to those who need it most if anything is left cremate me and give me too the world do not keep me to yourselves please. My second wish is even though you all hurt me I forgive you all, I know that you will blame yourselves, I want you to smile and forgive yourselves, my death could not be prevented, and it wasn't your fault. I have smiled through pain and not once have I lost this smile." She explained "I want you all to do the same I love you all so much." As Autumn finished she looked at me and mouthed 'I will be with you soon my love.'

I heard the flat line and the sobs of everyone. I felt a tear running down my cheek. Autumn walked next to me and kissed the tear on my cheek. "It's good to see you again Jacob I missed you, my love." she remembered me... "I've missed you too, smiles. I love you..." I told her before kissing her forehead. Smiles hugged everyone before walking back over to me, and we walked of into a beautiful light returning to where we came from.


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