Chapter 1

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Adrien blinked. "............"

A large pair of Amber eyes blinked back. ".........."

Adrien blink again. ".........Plagg..?"

"Yes Adrien?" The owner of the Amber eyes questioned.

"Why....are you eating Camembert on my face?" Adriens nose wrinkles in distaste as the foul stench assulted him, causing his eyes to water and his throat to close up. Plagg took a giant chunk out of his precious cheese and chewed noisily.

"Bwecashe-*Smack*-I'm hungry. " Plagg continue to eat, leaving Adrien cross-eyed, staring at him in disbelief. He reached up and grabbed what was left of the cheese, ignoring Plaggs indignant shout. He got up from his bed and threw the cheese in the trash.

"My Camembert!!" Plagg cried, diving headfirst into the trashcan after it. Adrien smirked and went over to his closet to get ready. He choose black skin tight jeans ( I guess skinny jeans? Not really sure lol), a black t-shirt with a white silhouette of a drum set on the chest, and a soft blue and green button up but leaving it unbuttoned. He lay it out and went into the bathroom. He quickly showered and washed all of the sweat and grime off. He turned the water off and dried himself off.

Throwing the towel in the dirty clothes bin, he quickly got dressed and fixed his hair. Throwing his comb on to his desk he grabbed his backpack, stuffed Plagg into his shirt pocket, and hurried down to the front door where Nathalie stood waiting for him.

Nathalie bowed her head to him and lead him out to the limo waiting for him. Gorilla closed the door behind him and got into the drivers seat. Nathalie got in and cleared her throat as the limo started moving. "Today you have a three o'clock photo shoot, followed by a five o'clock interview, then at eight o'clock you have another photo shoot for a new up and coming fashion line." Adrien nodded along to what she was saying, staring out the window and zoning out.

Arriving to the front of the school, Adrien quickly jumped out and slammed the door behind him. He made his way up the stairs and into the building, smiling and greeting people as he passed. Entering his first class, he quickly took his seat and put his bag down next to him. He pulled out his notebook and started to doodle aimlessly along the edge of an empty page.

He blinked as the teacher walked in and called the class to attention and glanced down to what he had drawn (picture NOT mine! I took a screenshot from a manga I'm reading)

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He blinked as the teacher walked in and called the class to attention and glanced down to what he had drawn (picture NOT mine! I took a screenshot from a manga I'm reading). He had drawn himself when he was sick. He had been stuck in a half human half cat transformation while Plagg had searched for a cure.

"Today, we will be focusing on the Renaissance. Who can tell me who wrote 'The Book of the Courtier'?" Adrien knew the answer, but didn't make a move to raise his hand. "Yes Sabrina?"

"U-umm, William Shakespeare obviously. " Everyone stared at her. She slowly curled into herself and ducked her head. Adrian sighed and raised his hand.

"Yes! Adrien?"

"The Book of the Courtier was written by Baldassare Castiglione, who was part of the group of men who were supposed to be athletic, good at games, play music, and know about literature and history without being stuck up and boastful about it." The class stared in shock at him, not expecting him to be able to answer the question in such detail. He just gave a shrug and a 'what' face and went back to doodling in his notebook. The teacher stuttered a 'correct' and proceeded to explain more in detail about the writers of the Renaissance.

Unbeknownst to the model, a pair of olive green eyes watched the blonde in absolute adoration.

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