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-Lukas's POV-

Woah.. What..? I was so confused 

"You.. You traded Jesses life to.. save mine..?" 

Petra nodded, I suddenly got really angry

"What the actual hell Petra!? SO NOW SHES AS GOOD AS DEAD THANKS TO YOU!?" 

I felt my eyes start to water, Petra looked gutted 

"N - No! Its not like that! We still have time to save Jesse whereas with you, Fable woulda killed you straight up! We still have time to save Jesse!" 

I glared down at the ground for a second before glaring back up to Petra

"I cant even stand! Let alone walk! How the hell are we going to save Jesse!?" I heard a familiar voice, I glanced over to see Ivor

"With this!" He chucked me a potion of healing, I smiled before drinking it, I felt the potion effects start to kick in, my wound was healing..

I stood up ready to save Jesse with everyone..

"How are we going to do this?" 

-Time Skip-

-Jesses POV-

I still couldnt move.. No matter how hard I tried... I just.. couldnt.. I still had my vision though, I was in the same room I once was, tied down.. I wanted to cry and just break down but.. I couldnt.. I was.. paralysed .. I was so stressed and scared so I decided to just think about all the good times I had.. With Olivia.. Axel.. Petra.. And.. L-Lukas..  I knew there was no escaping this.. There was no cure.. Im done for.. 

-Time Skip-

-Lukas's POV- 

Olivia pointed up to the window we broke through before

"Thats the window we broke through before.. It seems.. To be replaced with new glass.. We could simply just break through it again?" 

Axel nodded

"Lets do it" 

We broke into the room, I looked around when I seen Jesse.. My heart sunk.. She was paralyzed.. I felt my eyes starting to soak but I had to fight it.. Fight back the tears.. We quickly untied the ropes, I picked up Jesse staring down into her cold, dead eyes.. I knew she was in there.. Somewhere.. 

"Okay.. We've got her.. Now.. All we need to do is find the exit portal.. Where do we even begin looking!?" 

I asked, everyone glanced at each other unsure when we heard voices approaching us, we all didnt know what to do when I heard Petra whisper

"Down there!" 

A trapdoor.

Everyone quickly but quietly tried to go down the trapdoor as fast as possible.. I gently carried Jesse down when I heard sudden gasps

"Look! Theres the exit portal!!"

Olivia excitedly whispered, I felt relieved, we got the flint and steel, lighting up the portal, just before we exited, I heard a loud cough, It was Jesse

"Jesse! Shh.. Itll be okay!" I told her when she started violently coughing.. Gasping for air.. It wasnt right..

"We need to get through that portal.. NOW!" 

I demanded when we suddenly all heard someone, I glanced behind me, to see Fable and Lilah


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