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(WARNING - This chapter contains rape and drugs) 

-Jesses POV-

I woke up to everyone else being hungover from last night, all but me.. Today, I had to find out what Ive really done in this life.. Petra, Axel, Olivia and Ruben are all so mad at me.. Aiden screamed at me last night cause I was in a room in private with Lukas, his words were:

"I forgave you both once, I refuse to forgive you both again"  

He made it sound like I cheated on him with Lukas in the past and he forgave me.. Us.. I dont know though.. I have no clue who I really am in this life! Probably some criminal! 

Ive got to go see someone, like Olivia, Axel & Ruben, to find out what I did but I have no clue where they would be because.. We took over their treehouse.. I nudged Aiden awake, he opened his eyes glaring at me

"What?" He asked

"D - do you know where Olivia would be..?" He raised an eyebrow

"Why? We ditched those losers ages ago!" 

"Please? They uh.. have something I need.." He rolled his eyes and sighed

"What? What do they have?"

 I muttered out

"A.. Uh.. Shirt! Yep.. It was a special shirt.. my mother gave me.. Before they died"  

Aiden raised an eyebrow confused

"Your parents arnt dead.. They disowned you after you started dating me and doing illegal things.. But whatever, go do what you want..Olivia, Axel and Ruben live in a brick house in SilverFish Street.. Jesse! You already know this!" 

He rolled back over going back to sleep, I got up, got dressed and was ready to go see my.. friends I guess..? But something that confused me is that.. My parents are alive..? They passed when I was so young but.. in this world they are still alive!? I must go see them later on!

-Time Skip-

This must be the house.. I knocked on the door, Axel opened it, his eyes widened 

"Jesse? What are YOU doing here??" 

I stuttered

"Uh, Could.. I please come in..?" 

Olivia walked up to Axel

"Who is - Oh.. Its YOU Jesse.." Olivia replied 

"She wants to know if she could come in..?" Axel told Olivia, Olivia got a pissed off look on her face

"NO!" She raised her voice

"Please!?" I asked, Olivia sighed

"FINE!" She raised her voice again before storming off, followed by Axel, I also followed unsure, I closed the door and walked into their lounge room while gazing around staring at all their photo frames and things, I finally got to the lounge room to see Petra sitting on the couch, Petra glanced at me realising it was me, she flew up off the couch screaming


I backed away

"Woah! Petra! Calm down!" I argued when she suddenly took in a deep breathe


I stopped and gasped

"Daughter..?" I questioned, Petra snapped once again

Minecraft Story Mode: Who Am I?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz