Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Morgan opened her eyes. She didn't recognize the room or the bed she was laying in. Slowly she remembered, what had happened the previous day. Everything was quiet in the house. Zak was probably still asleep. She pushed the covers aside and tried to get out of bed. Her body was aching and sore. She dragged herself to the mirror on the wall and pulled down the sweatpants. Her legs were filled with black bruises, and as she pulled up the tank top she gasped. Her stomach and back were filled wit black bruises too. She was a mess. The band aids on her arms were bloody and moist. She ripped them off. Damn that hurt. Tears shut out her eyes. Her arms were infected and gross yellow puss was running down her arms. She found some tissues and wrapped them around her arms. Slowly opened the door and walked out in the hallway. She had to get the mess on her arms cleaned up before Zak woke up. She slowly walked down the hallway and into the bathroom. Turned on the water and slowly let her arms down in the sink. Damn.... it hurt like Hell. Morgan was close to tears. She could see the puss and blood slowly leave her arms and end up in the water. She had to find some band aid. 

"What are you doing?" Zak was standing in the doorway to the bathroom. Morgan jumped. She didn't hear him walk down the hallway. She could see his eyes follow her face and down her arms. His mouth opened but not a sound was spoken. He walked into to bathroom, and grabbed her arms.                                                                                                                                                               "Morgan! What are you doing?! Why didn't you call me?" Zak looked at her arms. Looked her in the eyes and started to put band aid on the wounds.                                                                                             "I'm sorry Zak. I didn't think that it would turn out to be so serious. I thought I could fix it on my own." Morgan looked at him and saw the frowns on his forehead. She knew that she made a big mistake by not calling him. Zak finished taking care of the wounds and walked out of the bathroom. Morgan followed him out in the hallway. He turned around and looked her straight into the eyes.                     "Morgan, I think it's best if we let a doctor take a look at the wounds." Morgan nodded. Her heart skipped a beat, when she looked into his serious blue eyes.                                                                       "I'll take you to the hospital after breakfast." He smiled and kissed her hands, before he walked into the master bedroom. 

Morgan stepped into the guest room, sat down on the bed and thought about how stupid she was. Why was she too proud to ask for help? Why did she always want to do things on her own? Why did she find it difficult to believe that someone wanted the best for her.                                                     "Girl, when will you ever learn to trust another human being?" Morgan whispered to herself while she shook her head, and got up from the bed. She could hear Zak walking down the hallway and into the bathroom. He was getting ready to take a shower. She walked downstairs and found Gracie in the kitchen. She looked up from her water bowl and walked towards the door to the patio. "Awww....Graciegirl. Do you need to get out? I'll open the door for you." Morgan opened the sliding door and Gracie ran outside. The air was warm and the sun was shining. She sat down by the waterfall and watched Gracie play with a green monkey made of plastic. Morgan laughed at Gracie. she was so funny and cute. Zak walked out on the patio with a towel around his waist. He was drying his hair in a towel, and didn't notice Morgan sitting in front the waterfall. She was looking at his body. A body of pure muscles. He had the most amazing upper body she had ever seen. Morgan couldn't keep her eyes off him. Suddenly Zak looked up and saw Morgan sitting by the waterfall.                                                                                                                                                                 "Oh sorry. I forgot that I wasn't alone in the house. I'll put on some clothes" He sounded surprised and a bit embarrassed. Morgan assured him that it was okay and walked into the house. Now it was her turn to shower. 

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