Chapter nine: another life and death moment

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I went inside and sat on the couch next to Dipper. He was reading the same book as always. It was red brown and it had a gold had with six fingers on it. On the hand it had the number three. "Whatcha reading?" I asked. Dipper jumped like he didn't know I was there and his face had a pink tint to it. "Y/n! I didn't S...see you come in!" Dipper said as he calmed back down. "Oh I forgot you haven't bin here that long. This is the journal that Stans brother wrote before he got sucked up into his portal." Dipper said. After around twenty minutes of talking I understood. "So that's how you know Bill." I said and looked at Dipper. "Yah. Well kind of. You know how that happened." Dipper said nervously. "Yah. Soooo... What is your favorite page in your book?" I asked to change the subject. "Oh! My favorite is this page." Dipper said and showed me a page with gnomes on it. "Your kidding right?" I said. Dipper started to laugh and I joined in. "Yah. Here's my favorite." Dipper said and turned to a page with what seemed to be part of a blueprint. "This is part of the portal that Ford made." Dipper said. It looked different but smart at the same time.

"So where is Stans brother?" I asked. "Ford is probably in the basement or he's at Mcguckets." Dipper told me and closed his journal. "Ok. Well what do we do now?" I asked. Dipper got up and I got up too. "Follow me." Dipper said and walked into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and pulled out two Pit sodas and then walked upstairs. I followed close behind. He walked to the window and pushed the glass frame open. Then Dipper jumped out the window. "Dipper!" I screamed and looked out the window. Right below the window there was the roof above the tour area of the house. He was smiling and and started to laugh a little. "Shut up I thought you were hurt!" I yelled back. "Are you coming or what?" Dipper said. I looked down at the sloped roof and back at Dipper. I was scared to jump. What if I fell? I could get hurt or even die! "It's ok! I'll catch you." Dipper said and stretched his arm out. "O..ok. Here I come!" I yelled and jumped out the window.

I was terrified as I fell. My heart was racing and my chest hurt. I hit the roof and yet I was still on my feet. I stumbled and slid off the flat part of the roof. I was about to fall off when I felt something grab my waist. Dippers grip wasn't letting me go. He pulled me up and we stood on the flat part of roof. Dipper let go of me and I held onto the side of the roof that had the window. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I looked at Dipper and his face was dusted with red and pink. "You ok?" Dipper asked. "Yah. Just need a sec." I replied and took a deep breath. After a few breaths I looked at Dipper who's face was still pink. "Are you ok?" I asked. "'s know." Dipper stuttered. "Know what?" I asked. "It's..just..your the...first girl I've ever.." Dipper started but stoped.

   I felt me face dust pink and my neck redden. "It's ok I know you didn't mean for me to slip." I said. "No I didn't mean to grab your waist...." Dipper said and his face went a shade redder. My face went from pink to red. I didn't know what to say. How are you supposed to respond to that? "It's fine. Really I'm glad you caught me." I said even though I wasn't comfortable standing here at all. "Ok...well let's go." Dipper said and walked to me and then reached behind me. I moved so he could do whatever he was doing. When I was behind him I saw that he had a rope in hand. He pulled it and a wooden three part latter fell down and he started to climb. I followed when he was all the way up. When we were on the roof we walked over to the giant letters on the roof and we sat in front of it. Dipper gave me a Pit cola and we just sat there. I held onto his hand so if if I fell Dipper would grab me.

We sat like this for a while until I couldn't stop myself. "Earlier when you started to say I was the first girl you ever, what was the rest?" I said. He sat there with red cheeks and his mouth open for a moment until he collected his words. "I was going to say you were the first girl I've liked other Wendy...." Dipper said and buried his face in his blue jacket. "Dipper I-" I started but Dipper got up. He ran for the latter and went down it. I got up and ran for it but soon regretted my decision. My shoe slipped and I fell off the roof. I grabbed the gutter and held in for dear life. "Dipper!" I yelled. But no one came. My left hand lost its grip. "Dipper!" I yelled. But no one came. My fingers one bye one lost grip until Nothing was holding me to the gutter. "Dipper!" I screamed with all I had. But no one came. Everything went bye so fast as I fell down. "Bill!" I yelled back as I hit the ground with a crack.

(Bills pov)
I was finishing up some work when I heard a familiar voice yell. "Dipper!" I turned and looked around for her but she wasn't there. "Dipper!" Y/n yelled again. "I'm coming!" I yelled as I left the mind scape. I looked around the front of the shack and saw Y/n dangling from the gutter. I ran over but her fingers slipped. "Y/n!" I yelled. "Bill!" She yelled back as she hit the ground. All I herd was bones cracking. "" I said.
-------------------------------------------------------Wow way to leave it off! Hope you don't get too mad! Well if you are mad, just wait for next chapter! Its a killer! Get it! Well you will soon! Well BOI!

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