Gay Vampire Scenarios That No One Asked For

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((Matt is gay and European. And so is Tom))

"How long can you go without feeding?" Tom asked, looking over at Matt.
The two were both sitting on the couch and watching TV, as it was too hot to do anything. Well, Matt never seemed to be affected by the forces of nature, so he wasn't hot, but Tom on the other hand was a greasy mess. He still wouldn't take off his warm blue hoodie to save his life, though.
"Depends. If I drain one person of blood I'd be good for the year, if I just drank enough to make the victim feel dizzy I'd be good for about 4-5 months," the red head answered.
"Oh, so you don't have to kill someone every time you feed?"
Matt shook his head, "That's barbaric,"
It had been about 2 years since Matt had been bitten by a count on Halloween night, 2 years since he went berserk and tried to suck the life out of both of his friends. Ever since then he had been getting better at keeping his vampire quirkiness under control. It was almost like he was completely human, and now everyone seemed to have forgotten that he was a vampire in the first place. Everyone except for Tom, that is.
Matt didn't mind sharing what it's like to be a vampire (I mean, the man did love talking about himself), and Tom was curious, and never shy to ask, so they sort of made a bond.
"Did you know that coconut water can be used as a substitute for blood in emergencies?" Matt asked.
"Is that why you drink so much of it?? Geez, you take up so much valuable pizza room in the fridge with your gross exotic liquid," Tom said.
"First of all, yes, that is why I drink so much of it, second of all, never say 'exotic liquid' again." The other man chuckled.
"How do you know that anyways?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow.
"So you just believe everything you see on the Internet?"
"Well, it seems to be working just fine for me,"
"Placebo effect," Tom yawned, and leaned his head on Matt's shoulder.
The red head blushed softly and playfully pushed him away.
"You know very well that I have no clue what that means,"

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Tom put the popcorn in the microwave and leaned against the counter. Tonight was Thursday, so that meant it was movie night for he and Matt. They started doing it a while ago, as they bonded more over the whole vampire business, among other things.
Edd always teased them and said it was their 'date night' but after a while it started getting less embarrassing and more annoying (to Tom at least).
He and Matt were just friends, there would be no reason to be embarrassed if someone teased them about dating, because he knew it would never happen.
The microwave beeped and he went straight for the popcorn bag, which burned his hands. "Ah! Hot! Hot! Hot!" He threw it onto the counter in a panic.
Matt had happened to be walked by the kitchen, and when he saw Tom he giggled.
"I set up the movie, you coming? Or do you want to fight the popcorn a bit more?"
Tom blushed, leaning against the counter again, in a casual pose. "Eheh...I'll be right there...!" He said.
"Okay!!" Matt smiled and skipped off.
Once the taller male had left, and the red faded from Tom's cheeks, he realized that his so called 'casual pose' wasn't so casual as he thought it had been.
He grumbled at his own idiocy and turned his attention back to what he was doing. He poured the popcorn into a large red bowl, smiling to himself as he thought about Matt, how he smiled, how he laughed, how he talked...wait.
Was it normal to think about your friend like that?
I mean, of course it would make you happy to think about them smiling, but all that other stuff was sorta creepy.
Or what if..
Tom wasn't even going to entertain that thought. He and Matt were friends, friends. Friends and nothing more. And so what if sometimes he liked the thought of Matt's smile? It wasn't embarrassing because they were friends and it would never evolve into anything more.
"Tom?? I'm gonna start the movie without you if you don't get your butt in here!!" Matt called, snapping Tom out of his thoughts.
"C-Coming!" Tom grabbed the popcorn and headed into the living room, taking a seat beside his friend.
"What are we watching?" He asked.
"Eh, some movie Edd recommended. It's about vampires," Matt replied, taking a handful of popcorn.
Tom nodded. "Okay, sounds cool to me I guess,"
The two sat there watching the movie, and once all the popcorn was gone, Tom decided to speak.
"Hey Matt?" He asked, looking up at the pale man.
"Yes?" Matt answered, taking his blue eyes off the TV screen for a second.
"If vampires can't see their reflections, why do you always look in the mirror?"
In response to this, Matt smirked.
"I don't need mirrors to know that I'm good looking~"
Tom snorted. "Damn I wish I had your confidence...I wouldn't mind having your looks either,"
Matt's cheeks flushed.
"M-My looks..?"
He never doubted that he was handsome, not for one second, but hearing about how attractive he was from Tom was rare. Tom usually tried not to give him attention, because he knew it would turn Matt into a giant softy, begging for more compliments.
Tom blushed once he realized what he said. Here we go.
"Is there anything about my looks specifically that you admire..?~" Matt probed, a smug look on his face.
Tom pouted, hitting him in the face with a pillow.
"Shut up, ya big gay ginger vampire!"
Matt just laughed, "Oooh Tommie Bear is maaaad~" he teased.
"Don't call me that, weirdo~" Tom crossed his arms, his blush going darker.
"Aww just tell me, there's no harm in saying what you like about me most~" Matt said, smirking. "I mean, there is a lot to love, so I'm not surprised that you're taking a while to answer," he laid down on the couch, putting his head in Tom's lap.
"Shut up and watch the movie," Tom said, trying really hard to suppress his laughter.
"I'd rather look at you,"
And with that, Tom just pushed him off the couch, throwing a couple pillows at him for good measure.
Matt giggled. "So that's the game you wanna play, huh??"
He stood up, grabbing a pillow and started hitting Tom with it.
Tom squealed, taking another pillow off the couch and attacking Matt with it as well. He hit Matt in the face, harder than he meant to, and Matt faltered a bit.
Uh oh.
This meant war.
Tom quickly dove off the couch as Matt reached for him.
"C'mere you little gremlin!!" He shouted playfully as Tom crawled away.
"Big gay ginger vampire is gonna get youuu!~~"
He pounced on his shorter friend, resting him on the ground.
The two rolled around in a pile, giggling like little girls until someone cleared their throat.
The play fight stopped and both Tom and Matt looked up to see that Edd had come home, and was staring at them curiously.
"I leave you two alone for like an hour and a half and I come back to you guys having a pillow fight like teenage girls," he stated, obviously on the verge of laughing.
"First of all, it was a fight to the death, how dare you," said Matt. The ginger started to laugh, and Tom felt his heart flutter.
Oh no.

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Tom was in Matt's room, helping him sort all his junk. Things were pretty quiet, since they were actually focussing on the task at hand. Well, at least that's what they wanted to think. Both of them have been rather lost in their thoughts, recently.
"Hey Matt, what happens once you bite someone..?" Tom asked suddenly.
Matt looked up at his black eyed friend and frowned a bit, not expecting Tom to want to know the answer to that question. The fact that he had to bite people, in order to keep living was one of the things he hated most about being a vampire.
"Well, if I decide to drain them of all their blood, they die," Matt answered truthfully. "But depending on the person's dna, they could become subject to the infection that would turn them into a vampire,"
There was silence for a while again.
"Can you bite me?" Tom asked.
Matt stopped what he was doing and looked up again, shocked by the request.
"Wh..Tom...why would you want that...?" He asked.
No answer.
"There is a good chance you would die, and even if you didn't, you'd have to be a vampire, and I'm not sure that you would want that..." He said.
"I know...I'm sorry I just..." Tom choked on his words, trying to decide if what he was about to say next was really worth it.
"I like you, okay?? As more than a friend. There, I said it!"
Matt's eyes widened and his cheeks turned crimson.
"I like your stupid face, and your stupid hair, and your stupid muscles, and your stupid personality, okay?? I LIKE you!!" Tom ranted. "I know I'm a pessimistic asshole, so I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't feel the same..."
Matt blinked, and there was silence again.
"Well FINALLY!" He exclaimed.
Tom jumped. "Wh...wha..?"
"I was waiting for you to tell me like, forever, dickwad!! I've liked you since high school!"
"You've liked me since high school and you've never made a move?" Tom said.
"You have to work to get this, Tom," he said, gesturing to himself.
"Never mind I fucking hate you, I questioned my entire sexuality for this,"
"HA! You wish you could hate me!" He exclaimed, grinning.
Tom sighed, a small smile appearing on his face. He knew that if Edd found out about this he would never hear the end of it. Well, it wouldn't be that big of a deal right? Even HE wasn't surprised he liked guys. He was just glad that Edd wasn't around to hear that whole ordeal.
Suddenly, his phone beeped, and he pulled it out to check it.
A text from Edd.

((Edd ships it. Aha this was written at like 4 am in the morning and honestly, I'm impressed by 4am Kas. Good job 4am Kas, you wrote something weird instead of maybe trying to work on your English assignment))

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