Chapter Three: Secrets.

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Hey guys :) I hope you liked the first two chapters. I'm sorry if they are a bit confusing, but your questions will be answered. :) please leave comments and votes if you like it. I want to know if I'm doing a good job.


It was getting darker. The sun was setting in the horizon and the soft, golden haze casted by the sun cascaded around the atmosphere and made the city look like it was on fire. The glow brightened every inch of the shiny palace and Loki awaited the darkness patiently as he sat on the palace steps. He mustn't fall asleep. He mustn't dream. He placed his head in his hands as he morned for the loss of the sunlight. He knew that he would be left to the darkness, and he knew he would fall asleep.

Loki looked up at the sound of something or someone ascending the steps he sat on. He stood up and looked down the stairs to see a figure limping over to him. It was the man he saw earlier that day. Except now, he seemed bigger and he wore clothes in an attempt to cover his body more. He had a gigantic cloak on that covered him head to toes. As he approached Loki, he kept his head down, looking at the steps as he walked over slowly.

"What do you want?" Loki questioned the man once he got close enough.

"I seek nothing," He simply replied. "But you," he said gesturing to Loki, "you seek someone by the name of Byleistra."

"I do not" Loki stated with authority.

"Oh really?" The man mocked, still looking down. "Byleistra has all the answers, whether they are known to her or not." Loki lost his façade. "That's what I thought. I knew you'd be interested."

"Who is this Byleistra you speak of?" Loki nearly asked in a whisper leaning toward the man.

What he saw next, surprised him entirely. The man's hand appeared as he straightened out his body and looked directly at Loki. But the man's hand was blue, and he towered over Loki while piercing his soul with blood, red eyes. "You have already seen her," the Frost Giant said. "Up here," he whispered as he put a cold and frigid hand on Loki's head.

Loki stepped back. "Leave now," Loki said while trying to cover his skin that was turning blue at an alarmingly quick rate.

"I will leave," the Frost Giant hissed. "But I leave with one last bit of information." The Frost Giant looked at Loki and said in a hushed tone, "Your true nature was not the only secret discovered in Jotunheim." With that said, the giant was gone, leaving a frosty path in his wake.

The sun had finally set, and Loki was hell bent on getting answers after sunrise.

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