Chapter Six ~ Redefined

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Soft breathing against my neck woke me out of the haze that the night brought and into the soft light of the sun trying to peek through the clouds. Light weight on my left arm reminded me of my company and the past two days as well as what was to come.

Bella was finally sleeping after the rough night of endless nightmares and crying, so I didn’t dare to wake her, instead opting to turn on my side to watch her peaceful face as she slept. Her dark hair was scattered everywhere on my black pillow case, making it impossible not to touch. I wondered how late it was in the morning, but couldn’t see my clock without sitting up completely to look around Bella.

Her lips parted as she breathed in again, slowly and heavily while her hand reached out and grasped my shirt, clenching and unclenching as if making sure I was still here. I groaned when I noticed I had a problem that came with the morning, one that seemed inevitable when it came to Bella, yet I knew a relationship with her, at least a normal one, would be far fetched and would be set years down the road...if ever.

Nothing seemed to will it away, so carefully, as to not wake Bella, I slipped from the bed and make my way to the bathroom, turning on the shower and undressing quickly. Hopefully I’ll be able to make up for my two minute shower last night, I thought, rolling my eyes. I hoped she had gotten the message last night after trying to...pleasure me twice. I suddenly felt as if I was over my head. How was I supposed to do this? How was I supposed to make her understand that what those men...and possibly women did to her was wrong?

One day at a time, I thought over and over as I scrubbed the shampoo out of my hair, squirting more soap into my hands to wash my body. I sighed as I reached my groin, knowing I had to take care of my problem. Closing my eyes, I imagined what it would feel like to be with her, the soft skin her her back and chest, her eyes and…I moaned, not taking too much longer to finish. I swallowed hard as I panted, leaning against the cool tile wall of the shower to calm down.

Quickly I got out, dried off, got dressed and brushed my teeth before going back out into my room to find my bed empty, the sheets gone.

“Bella?” I softly called out. I moved around to the other side of the bed and blinked in shock when I saw her sitting with her legs curled up against her chest, wrapped in the sheets, in the corner of the room next to the closet.

“Bella?” I asked this time, getting down on my knees so I was at her height as I crawled slowly towards her.

“Are you alright?” I asked her, a foot from her now. Her eyes were wide as they searched mine before she finally nodded. She was lying, I could see her hands shake as she held herself into a ball, but didn’t want to force her to tell me.

“What are you doing over here?” I wondered out loud, reaching my hand out, palm up as an invitation to take. I didn’t have to wait too much before he placed her hand in mine. Carefully, I pulled her out of the corner and into my arms so I could set her on the bed, sheets and all. She never once pulled away from me.

“You weren’t here...I got...scared.” she barely whispered as I sat on the edge, keeping her hand in mine.

“I was just getting ready for the day, I didn’t want to wake you after last night, you needed your sleep.” I told her, rubbing my thumb back and forth against her knuckles. Bella nodded slowly, biting her lip.

“What are we doing today?” she asked after a moment of gathering courage. I smiled at her.

“Carlisle says he needs to take you to the hospital to have some exams done...I know it won’t be ideal in any way, but it’s for your own safety. And he’s already talked with the police about our situation and they’ve contacted the FBI who will talk to us today if you’re feeling up to it of course.”

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