Cali Girls|| Alex

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"It's not us no more, it's just you and me." I sing while I'm doing babes bed.

"Babe?" Alex calls out coming into the room.

"Yes?" I ask.

"What are you doing?" He opens the door and sees me doing his bed. "You didn't have to." He says.

"I know, but I wanted to." I say.

"I'm so glad I get to see you more often." He wraps his arms around me.

"I am too." I wrap my arms around him.

"Finally we're in LA." He says.

"I never left LA." I say.

"True, but you know what I mean." He says.

"I'm a real Cali girl. I'm a real LA girl." I stick my tongue out at him.

"I'm from Cali too." I hear Blaziken shout from his room.

"That's what's up." I shout back.

"SAME GIRLS." Apex shouts from his room causing us to laugh.

"Oh calm down Cali girls." Alex says.

"Calm down Arizona." I laugh.

"Haha. I'm Y/n and I think I'm so funny." Alex says trying to do my voice.

"Awe how cute, but I'm not funny-" "-she's hilarious" Blaziken finishes me off.

"That's my Cali girl!" I say.

"I got you don't worry Y/n." He says.

"That's my bro." I say pointing to Blazikens room.

"Foshoo." Blaziken says.


"Are you joining us for lunch?" Rain asks.

"I am. Babe?" Alex asks.

"I can't, I told my brother and his girlfriend I would go out to lunch with them." I give him a weak smile.

"What about dinner? Will I see you?" He asks.

"I promise my parents I'd have dinner with them tonight. I'm sorry babe." I give him a small smile.

"It's totally fine. I understand." He says.

"Well I should head out if I want to make it on time." I say. I kiss his check.

"Later babe. Take care." He pecks my lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Bye boys." I say making my way outside.


"Where's Alex?" I ask Cheo.

"He's upstairs in his room." He says.

"Has he eaten breakfast?" I ask.

"No, he's not even up." He says.

"Thanks Cheo." I smile and make my way upstairs. Hopefully he's still sleeping. I open the door and he's sound asleep. I don't want to wake him up cause he looks so peaceful but I want to surprise him. I shake him a bit. "Cheo no I'm not hungry." He says into the pillow. I kiss his check. "Dude." He says almost smacking me with hand.

"Good morning baby." I kiss his check. I see a smile forming on his face.

"Baby." He says. "Good morning." He gets up.

"Get ready." I smile at him.

"Why so early?" He asks.

"It's a surprise. Come on get ready." I smile at him.

"Only cause you gave me one of your cute smiles." He says getting up slowly. He makes his way to the bathroom.

"Give me the phone." I say.

"Why?" He ask.

"So you'll hurry up." I say. He throws it on his bed.

"Hey babe?" Alex call out.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Thank you for taking me out to eat to breakfast." He says smiling.

"You're welcome. I didn't really see you yesterday." I say.

"Oh maybe I should not see you more often  if I'm get treated like this." He says making me giggle.

"Oh Alex, you're something else." I say.

"My Cali girl is the best." He says pulling me into a short kiss.


Updated: May 12, 2017

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