Part Nineteen - Hotel Break

Start from the beginning

"Oh, okay, anything else you want to say before you leave?" Gideon asked the squirming Iggy by the door.

"Bite me!" Iggy screamed. They kicked him out the door.

"Stop!" Seven shouted at them.

"At least give him a weapon!" Warren yelled.

"Wait wait," Iggy pleaded and tried to push his way through the door. Seven ran forward, pulled her machete out of its sheath as Gideon pushed Iggy back. Vasquez caught her arm, stopping her. She looked back at him,

"It's not right!" she said.

"I know."

"You shouldn't have done what you did Iggy!" one of the men yelled. "Here, take this!" Seven looked back to see the man passing him a mallet. And he forced the door shut.

"Please don't make me!" Iggy cried. "Please!" he continued to bang against the doors as Gideon left the room. "Open up! Dana! Help!" he cried and slowly turned around. Coughing, he walked away. Dana then left the room. Warren sighed and patted Vasquez' shoulder and looked at Seven apologetically before she and Addison left the room too.

"Vasquez." Seven said as he too went to leave. He looked at Seven. "You know it's not right. He will die out there."

Vasquez said nothing and he followed after Warren. Ten K walked over to Seven. Seven shook her head when he took hold of her hand.

"If he didn't do it, that means someone else did." he said. Seven looked into his eyes,

"And we'll figure out who it was." she nodded.


The two stood in one of the rooms, waiting for Murphy to wake. More and more zombies were banging on the windows, walls and doors. "Something's attracting them." Seven muttered. "And for once I don't think it's because of people." Ten K looked at her with puzzlement. "Murphy's having some nightmare, you've seen him shaking on that table, making sounds. It's like he's in pain. What if he's attracting them?"

Ten K's brows furrowed and he shook his head, "I don't know.."

"Why not? He can drive them away and control them when he's conscious, so why not when he's unconscious?" 

"Maybe." Ten K shrugged. Ten K took his rifle off his shoulder and held a finger to his lips when Seven went to question. He pointed down the stairs and then to his ear. Seven listened, she could hear Meg and the dark skinned man talking,

"I told you it was only a matter of time before they banished Iggy." Meg said.

"Yeah, I know. You called it." the man agreed. Ten K walked to the stairs and began to slowly creep down them. Seven followed, her machete in hand.

"And since when has Dana started leading popcorn circle? She never even finished her masters. If she wasn't sleeping with-"

"We don't know that," the guy cut her off. 

"Please, it's so obvious. You've seen the way he looks at her!" Meg whisper-yelled. Ten K squatted on the stairs when the dipping roof cut off so he was still out of sight. Seven stood on the other side of him. "Excuse me."

"I know. You called it."

"And what about these knew people? Why are we sharing anything with them? Who are they to us?"

"Iggy paid the price for that decision."

"And he's gone. But we're still here." Meg sounded both worried and irritated. "We're going to need every bite of food they take!"

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