Chapter 1: Arrival

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Beacon, the academy of Vale, where humans and faunus come to study and become huntsmen and huntresses.

With the coming of new students, the airship pads are packed with them. Among them are Daemon and Agate. The two disembarks from their ship and took their first steps in Beacon.

Daemon: looks at the tower and academy* So this is Beacon?

Agate: Yeh Daemon. Come on, lets find out where the first years are supposed to assemble.

Daemon: Right.. Right

The two asks around and they seem to now know where they should go.

Agate: Well, it looks like we should go to that building where the assembly hall is.

Daemon: Ok.

???: AAACCHHHOOO!! *explosive and cracking sounds

Daemon: !!

Agate: What was that!? *looks at the place where the sounds came from.

???: Unbelievable! This exactly the kind of thing I was talking about.

Agate: Hey D, you know who the angry white head chick is?

Daemon: Oh her? She's Weiss Schnee of the Schnee Dust Company. The company that distributes and mines dust for the people of Remnant.

Agate: Hmmmm.

Daemon: It looks like she's arguing with that girl.

Agate: Let's just go before we get involved in something we're not

The two leave in a hurry.
Meanwhile in another airship pad. Kyrenia and Reina disembarks from the ship.

Kyrenia: excitedly * Yay! Beacon.

Reina: Mhm. We need to get to the assembly hall. That's where the freshmen gathers.

Kyrenia: Ok.

The girls walks to the direction of the assembly hall.

Reina: Here we ar-

A group of people suddenly barges through the entrance, startling Kyrenia and cause her to flail around

???: Oh! Scuse us. *immediately wanders away.

Reina: Hey watch it, blondy.

Kyrenia: flails around unbalanced* Oh my! *bumps into someone* Oh! Pardon m-. *looks and is left silenced.

Daemon: Are you alright, miss?

Kyrenia: Uh *nods* mhm.

Daemon: Ok. *helps Kyrenia regain her composure.

Agate: looks at Kyrenia* Wow! Aren't you a pretty face.

Reina: notices Kyrenia with two boys and dashes in her* Hey! Beat it chumps.

Agate: The hell are you!?

Reina: Her bodyguard, dumbface.

Agate: What was that, seaweed head!?

Reina: Huh!?

Reina and Agate stared with fury on their faces

Kyrenia: Uh Rei, they did not mean to harm me. So please stop.

Reina: But this one was looking at you with a dirty face

Agate: Hey! My face is not dirty, it's good looking.

Reina: chuckles* Don't make me laugh. You must have been looking at a clowns mirror.

Agate: Grrrr!

Reina: Grrrr!

Daemon: palm smacks Agate's face* Stop it man. *turns to the two girls* Forgive my friend. He was just weary of the trip to Beacon.

Kyrenia: flustering* I-it is fine. *laughs nervously* Let's just go Rei. *drags Reina away in a hurry.

Reina: Ky!

Kyrenia: Farewell then. *waves at the two boys.

Daemon: waves back* Ooook....

Agate: speaks with a red hand-shaped pattern on his face* D, you messed my face up, man.

Daemon: Well, you were rude to the girl.

Agate: I was just talking to her. There's nothing wrong with that right.

Daemon: Due to you're face almost saying "Hey there, baby", people think otherwise. You know, let's just get inside.

Daemon and Agate enters the hall and finds their spots which turns out to be...

Reina and Agate: Ahh!! You again!

Daemon quickly palm smacks Agate's mouth while Kyrenia covers Reina's.

Daemon: whispers* Can it, will you?

Kyrenia: whispers* Please be silent, Rei.

Reina and Agate just nods to the their whisperers but still stares with hate. The welcoming of first years began and, at the end, Ozpin gave his speech and Glynda instructed the freshmen their sleeping quarters. As night falls, the two boys spend time just lying on their beds.

Agate: sigh* So it begins tomorrow, huh? The exam.

Daemon: Yeah. Hey, why are you so triggered by that girl earlier.

Agate: pouts* She just called my face dumb. Now tell me if that happened to you, what would you feel, huh?

Daemon: Point taken.

Agate: And her hair looks like seaweeds *laughs then a pillow suddenly hits his face.


Agate: Arrgh! I've had it.

While the two argues, Kyrenia sneaks towards Daemon.

Daemon: !!

Kyrenia: Hello, we meet again. Oh! I have not yet introduced myself. *bows elegantly* I am Kyrenia Pelga.

Daemon: bows gentlemanly* Daemon Ignis at your service.

Kyrenia: giggles* Pleasure. Uh so my friend there is Reina Ichijin.

Daemon: I see. The one she's against is Agate Erde.

Kyrenia: Pleased to meet is what i would like to say. However they seem to not hear us.

Daemon: Mhm.

Reina: You leave my friend alone, got that!?

Agate: Why are you being so defensive? I'm only talking to her!

Reina: With a face full of flirtatious intentions. Yeah, likely story!

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