"Well I'm glad you managed to persuade him" Ron smiles 

"Me too" I smile back at him, ignoring Hermione and Harry making love hearts with their hands and kissy faces

Weasley Wizard Wheezes Opening Day

I get changed into my floral skater dress with my beige cardigan and dolly shoes then I grab my bag and make my way downstairs where everyone else is making sure they got everything before we leave to visit the shop. 

"You're wearing the necklace" Ron points out looking at my Daisy necklace he got me for Christmas in 3rd year 

"Well done" I smirk 

"I thought you didn't like it as you hardly wear it"

"No I love it, it's my favourite. I rarely wear it though as I don't want to break it or loose it"

"Aww cute" Hermione teases as I walk next to her 

"Shut up" I smirk as we enter the shop 

It looks amazing in here, so many people have turned up too which is great. I smile as I see some things I recommended to them including the  Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder. I join Hermione and Ginny by the pink display, it's full of these heart shaped bottles 

"Hello Ladies" The twins say in sync with each other

I tune them out as I'm busy reading the bottle, tuning back in as I finished reading 

"The way we hear it sis you're doing just fine on your own"

"Meaning?" Ginny asks

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?"

"It's none of your business" She replies walking away

We leave to find the boys then we decide to leave, The majority of shops are all closed, the twin's shop being the only bright place which is rather sad, the Alley used to be bright and happy. 

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half of the Alley is closed down" Hermione questions 

"Fred reckons people needs a laugh these days" Ron replies 

"I reckon he's right" Harry replies 

"Now that is truly upsetting, everyone got their wands from Ollivanders" I frown as we reach the shop every 1st year get's excited for. The shop I found my wand which suits me well as it looks like there is vines growing from the bottom and little flowers around the top. Me and my wand are the perfect pair. 

We enter the shop and I only frown even more as we look around 

"Harry, is it me or does it look like Draco and Mummy are two people who don't want to be followed?"

I walk over standing by Ron as I look out the window seeing Draco and his Mum looking around before walking down a side alley. 

"Lets go" Harry mutters walking off, us following him. 

We follow them though the dark, narrow and scary alley, as soon as we pass someone who's talking to the wall I quickly grab hold of Ron's arm. 

"You ok?" he mouths looking at me 

I nod my head yeah and we keep going, my arm staying linked around Ron's. They enter Borgin & Burke causing Harry, Ron and Hermione to climb over the roof and spy on them, I on the other hand am staying firmly on the ground hoping not to see any other mad scary people talking to walls.  

"What did you see?" I ask when they all finally return to me 

"There was some weird cabinet they was all around" Harry speaks 

"Look, lets go. Time is getting on and I'm not getting caught by some bad person"


We arrive back just as Molly finished making food, perfect timing as I'm now hungry. Tomorrow we're going back to Hogwarts which I'm slightly nervous about. I know I spent a while getting Dad to allow me to go but in a way he is right, Dark times are ahead and I know this year won't be as fun as other years but I want an education and be able to spend time with my friends again. 

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