Once it happened

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I watched as you screamed, angry at my Mom for letting your Dad leave even though you knew she could not change the past.

I watched as you screamed even louder even though you saw my Mom crying, sobbing, weeping. You did not care. After all, Why would you?

Most days, you would be out clubbing and drinking ignoring the fact that my Mom was waiting at home pushing her tiredness away to make sure her son was home safely, only relieved when you stumbled in, You didn't care though, as long as you were happy.

I watched as you ignored my Mom in public events not caring how hurt she would become.

I watched as you swore at my Mom for not making you food, unaware of the fact that she gave up her portion for you.

You were a selfish, un-appreciative, brat and I wished you died for causing my Mom the amount of pain that should last a person a lifetime.

I watched as you abused my Mom, almost as if she was your punching bag. Ignoring the fact that she held you in her womb for nine months full, ignoring the fact that she was supposed to be loved.

I watched as you mocked her laugh, and I watched as she grew self conscious and stopped laughing whatsoever.

I never hated you as much as I did right now.

You knew Dad was the cause of our family not being rich, due to the fact that he spent it on whores and alcohol, But you didn't care as you spent even more money on booze and whatever you wanted, ignoring the fact that my Mom's shoes were falling apart.

I watched as you locked my Mom out of her own house due to the fact that she never cleaned you room.

And I'm telling you now, I've never hated a person so much in my whole lifetime.

I've never wanted to kill someone so much as I did you.

Because, you, a pathetic excuse of a weak, selfish, arrogant son could go to hell for all I cared, and I knew that if I didn't save my Mom now, their was no point of me living.

And so I went ahead working every hour of the week for three whole years to last us a lifetime, and I ran away with my Mom, I ran to the country of my Mom's dreams so I could beat all those negative memories you gave her and replace them with happiness.

Yet, the memories you gave her were carved into her memories, and I had to hear the screams of her begging for you not to hit her in her sleep.

I had to endure the pleas of mercy she begged of you to let her in the house, her shivering figure hunched over the door as you pinned me to the wall so I wouldn't allow her in the house.

Even in her sleep she was scared of you. You should feel disgusted. I would be.

I knew I couldn't save her from her memories, from her mind, but I tried, and we both worked on that one piece of hope which then bloomed into a promising future as I allowed her the happiness she deserved.

I allowed her to be free, what every human should be.

I allowed her to feel loved and fall in love with a man I knew would look after my Mom, Because I loved my family, something every family member should feel.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2016 ⏰

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