Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter Twenty-five


He's driving erratically, struggling to focus and being reckless as he races down empty streets and deserted sidewalks.

"Please be careful, Niall. I don't want our story to end here." I warn him, holding onto my seatbelt.

"You won't want anything to do with me after tonight. You're going to hate me for the rest of your life and I need to prepare myself for that." He cries, slamming his fist against the steering wheel.

"I could never hate you."

"Except you will."

"Why?" I persist, tormented by his secret as much as he is.

"Soon." He snaps, pressing his foot on the accelerator. "You will know soon enough."

We pull up outside my house and I fumble for my keys, dropping them several times before I finally unlock the door.

"Tell me." I command, folding my arms across my chest. "We're home now and I don't want to hear more excuses."

He leans against the wall, sliding down it until he's sitting on the floor with his knees bent and his head in his hands.

"I'm a monster, Evie."

"You're not." I insist, tearful and frantic as I watch him fall apart.

I hate seeing him like this and long to comfort him, struggling between reaching out for him and demanding answers.

"I've hurt people." He murmurs, wrapping his arms around himself.

"Who and how have you hurt them?" I ask, crouching down beside him.

"Those women on the news... the solicitor and the school teacher." He whispers, hiding his face from me.

"What about them?" I prompt him. "Are you comparing yourself to the monster that killed them?"

"No..." He replies, shaking his head slowly. "I am the monster that killed them."

My entire universe collapses beneath me as I try and digest his words. My mouth feels dry and my heart stops beating, shattering into a thousand pieces in a matter of seconds.

"W-what did you just say?"

"It was me, Evie. I'm the one who did it."

He raises his head as his tears fall, crumbling to pieces as he rips himself to shreds.

"Is... is this some twisted joke?" I fire back, lashing out at him with my fists. "Are you trying to be funny?"

"I'm not joking!" He yells, trying to restrain me as I turn violent.

"You're lying. You... you aren't capable of that! I know you." I sob, gasping for air as my body shuts down.

"Evie, look at me." He begs, trying to turn my face towards him.

"This isn't happening." I mumble incoherently, tugging on my hair as I rock back and forth. "This is a nightmare I'm going to wake up from any second."

"Baby, I wish it was." He weeps, tears rolling down his face as he holds me.

"Don't touch me!" I scream. "Get your fucking murdering hands off me."

"I knew this would happen... I knew it would destroy us!"

"Of course it will fucking destroy us! You're a killer!" I scream, jumping to my feet so I can kick him, pummelling my fists against him once more.

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