Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter Twenty-three


We've spent the majority of our week indoors again, watching movies, staying up late and ordering take out. The only time we left the house was to take a walk and pick up some groceries.

I realise we have to enter the real world again at some point but neither one of us wants to end it. We've found an addiction in one another which is far too powerful to break, let alone jeopardise.

Friday rolls around quickly and it's the night of the school play. I'm still thrilled my friend asked Niall to join us as and I think a small part of him is actually looking forward to it.

He's downstairs, pacing back and forth as I enter the living room. His mouth actually falls open when he sees me and I can feel my cheeks turning red. The way he's looking at me makes my hear beat rapidly and my whole body tingle.

"Wow." He exclaims, exhaling slowly. "You look beautiful."

"It's only lipstick."

"It's more than lipstick." He says, taking my small hand in is. "It's you."

"Are you ready to go?" I ask him, eager to change the subject.

"Ready when you are."

We head out to his car and I realise I haven't even asked him if he's ok with driving. I just presumed it would be ok and now feel guilty about.

"You don't mind taking your car, do you? We can always order a taxi if you don't want to."

"I don't mind at all." He assures me. "Why would I?"

"Izzy will be so excited." I laugh, picturing her sweet face. "I'm sure she's super nervous as well."

"How old is she again?"

"She's five and Alexia is ten."

"You've always been close with them?"

"Pretty much. I used to look after Alexia when she was a baby."

"And that's how you became friends with Ellen?"

"That's right."

"She seems really nice." He adds, placing a kiss on the back of my hand.

"She is." I agree, staring out my window. "She's ten years older than me but I forget there's an age gap sometimes."

"You're really lucky to have a friend like her."

"Don't worry, I realise that."

"Good." He smiles, trying to disguise the sadness in his voice.

Unanswered questions consume my mind, making it difficult for me to carry on a conversation with him. I just know there's something going on but he won't tell me anything. All I can do is wait for him to let his guard down and let me help him.

"Jeez, this place is packed." Niall comments, pulling into the crowded car park.

"Ellen said she would meet us out front with our tickets. I just hope we can find a space."

"The whole town must be here." He observes, turning left so we can grab the last one.

"Nice spot." I congratulate him, impressed by his driving skills.

"I'll teach you some day."

"You really think you could trust me behind the wheel?" I taunt him, smiling mischievously.

"Maybe not." He jokes, pretending to reconsider. "Wait here and I'll get the door for you."

"Such a gentleman." I whisper, making sure my body grazes his as I exit the car.

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