Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I'm lying in a crumpled heap on the bathroom floor, cradling my knees against my chest. I'm drowning in my own tears and can't even breathe properly, gasping for air as I try to calm down.
I locked the bathroom door the moment I came in here, seeking privacy and somewhere I could be by myself. Niall is still at football practise and I don't know what time he'll be back. Jeremy is still at work now he finally has a job so I thought the coast was clear for me to disappear without notice.
I hold my stomach and cry softly, wondering how long I've been sick and if there's anything they can do to save me. The thought of being separated from Niall consumes me with fear. I don't want to leave him here and can't imagine us being apart for a single day, let alone a lifetime.
I don't know how long I've been in here but recognise the sound of the front door opening downstairs. I'm not sure who it is but pull myself up onto my feet. The last thing I want is Jeremy breaking the lock, barging in here and invading my privacy.
Footsteps coming up the stairs forces me to hurry up, glancing in the mirror at my dishevelled appearance.
'Come on, Evie. Get a grip.' I tell myself, trying to control my erratic breathing.
A loud knock on the door startles me and I inhale sharply, wondering if it's Jeremy or just one of the other kids needing to use the bathroom.
"Evie, are you in there?" A familiar voice asks, relieving me at once.
"Yeah, it's me. Are you ok?" He asks, sounding breathless and concerned.
"I'm fine." I lie, trying to sound convincing. "I'll be out in a minute."
"What's wrong?" He demands, raising his voice.
"N-nothing." I stammer, splashing some cold water on my face.
"Don't lie to me." He warns. "Let me in."
"Can't I have some privacy?!"
"No. Now let me in."
"Fine." I concede reluctantly. "Give me a second."
"I'm going to break this door down if you don't open it right now. I mean it, Evie."
I can tell he means it by the tone of his voice and panic, not wanting him to see me like this.
"Niall, please!"
"I'll count to three." He threatens me, beginning his countdown.
"Just give me a second!"
"One... two..."
I fling the door open, folding my arms across my chest in frustration.
"Happy now?" I snap, narrowing my eyes at him.
"What's happened?" He commands, looking me up and down.
"I just don't feel very well."
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Niall, I can't tell you. It's too embarrassing."
"I thought we don't keep secrets from one another." He says, following me inside.
"We don't but... I can't tell you this."
"Evie, you can tell me anything." He reminds me, closing the bathroom door behind him.
"Not this..."
"Why not?"
"It's... personal."
He frowns at me, clearly wondering why I'm acting so strangely.
"Oh." He says, raising his eyebrows as though he understands. "Is it... something to do with... erm... women's things?" He asks.
"What do you mean?"
"God, this is uncomfortable." He groans, raking his fingers through his hair. "I mean... is it your period or something?"
"My what?"
"Sorry, I know it's none of my business." He replies, holding his hands up in surrender. "I just thought that's what you meant about it being too personal to tell me."
"Niall, I'm not sure what you're talking about but there's something wrong. I'm bleeding... down there."
"Down there...?" He questions, waiting for me to elaborate.
"It just happened." I explain. "I think I need to go to hospital."
"Evie, you're talking about your period."
"Why do you keep saying that? What does it mean?"
"My God." He sighs deeply, sitting down on the edge of the bath. "Patricia didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?"
"She's unbelievable." He complains, shaking his head in disbelief. "She should have explained all of this to you."
"Explained what to me?!" I yell, angry and frustrated.
"Evie, it's normal for you to... to bleed like this. It will happen to you from now on and it's completely normal."
"I'll bleed forever?" I gasp, horrified by the idea.
"No, you don't understand. It will only happen for a few days once a month or so."
"But why? And how do you know all of this?"
"I just do." He concludes, watching me closely. "Haven't they covered any of this at school?"
"No... not yet anyway."
"You're nearly fourteen. They should have explained this."
"But what does it mean?"
"I'm no expert but I think it means your body can now have a baby."
"Your body is changing from a girl into a woman." He says softly, walking towards me. "That's all that's happening."
"Did you really just say that?"
"Shit, that did sound pretty corny, didn't it?" He chuckles, making fun of himself.
"But what am I supposed to do?"
"You'll have to wear something until it stops."
"Like what?"
"God, this is uncomfortable." He murmurs, rubbing the centre of his forehead. "You need to wear a pad or something, I guess."
"I don't have any. I don't even know what they are!" I cry, wiping away my tears.
"Shh, calm down." He soothes me, cradling me in his arms. "I don't want to go near anything that belongs to Patricia so I guess I'll have to go out and buy you some."
"You would really do that for me?" I whisper, overwhelmed by the kindness of his gesture.
"It's not on my top ten list of things I want to be doing but sure, you're my best friend."
"How long will you be?"
"Not long. Run yourself a hot bath while I'm gone, it might make you feel better."
"Thank you."
"There's no need to thank me." He assures me, turning around when he's halfway through the door. "You don't have any pain, do you?"
"Why? Will it hurt?"
"You might have a bit of tummy ache but I'll get you some painkillers for you while I'm out."
"Thanks again."
"I'll be back soon. Make sure you lock this door behind me."
"I will."
"Good girl." He praises, winking at me.
"I feel about five years old when you say that." I chastise him, rolling my eyes.
"You're growing up, Evie. Anyone can see that."
He pauses for a moment and looks like he's worrying about something, deep in thought.
"Why do you look so worried?"
"I just want to keep you safe." He answers, smiling weakly. "That's all I've ever wanted."
"You already do." I remind him, wanting him to realise this.
"I'll be right back."

It felt like Niall would do anything for me. He made everything better just by being there and I couldn't imagine my world without him.

I still had to learn about the darkness which consumed him, threatening to take hold of him each day. To me, he was the one and only person I could rely on. I didn't believe he was capable of hurting anyone or anything.

I was so wrong...


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