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Hadley p.o.v

"I do not like Reagan" he said following me

"I never said it was you" I said hinting I was lying

"Well I think you should go out with me and we'll just see about that"

"Okay let's go" I said grabbing my jacket and getting in his car

He got in we went to Starbucks and saw the new hobbit movie. we had a great time and it was 7:45 when we got back. we walked in the door laughing and stopped when we saw Niall and Louis looking at us. AKWARD. I kissed Harry on the cheek and went to my room. that felt good (rubbing that I have moved on in Niall's face). I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said thinking it was Harry

"So you and Harry" a familiar voice said

I turned to face the door and Niall was standing there.

"Yeah so" I said annoyed

"You move on fast"

"Well according to you I never loved you"

"Oh yeah that's right" he said kinda mad and then left

I was tired so I went to bed.


Niall p.o.v

I was sitting on the couch watching t.v. with Louis.

"Where were you this morning" Louis asked

"I took a walk, I had to figure out what I had done" I said

"What are you gonna do bout that"

"I'm gonna apologize when she gets back from wherever she is and hope she takes me back"

"That's a good idea I think she'll take you back"

She walked in laughing..... with Harry?!? I was hoping they went out as friends until she kissed him on the cheek. That killed me and I know I can't apologize now. I went up to talk to her and confirm her and Harry were more than friends.i knocked on the door.

"Come in" she said

"So, you and Harry" I asked. She turn and looked at me like she was expecting someone else

"Yeah so" she said

"You move on fast"

"Well according to you I never loved you"

"Oh yeah that's right" i said. I was ticked off now so I went to my room and went to sleep.


Harry p.o.v

Me and Hadley got back from our "date" and Niall and Louis were staring at us. she kissed me on the cheek and went upstairs. Niall follow her and I sat down next to Louis.

"So what was that" Louis asked

"I have no idea I guess it was a date" I replied confused

"Oh I didn't know you liked Hadley"

"I didn't know I did till we went out"

"Wait you didn't ask her out, she moves on fast"

"I know I couldn't believe it either, what do you think Niall is gonna say"

"He is gonna flip"

"Yeah probably okay I'm gonna go to sleep now"

And I went went to sleep

I have no idea what will happen next so comment with some ideas!!!

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