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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend Reagan i love you rea rea hope you love it

Hadley p.o.v

I woke up brushed my hair and teeth made breakfast for the boys and checked my phone.

One new text message

From Reagan:

Hey saw your performance last night it was great since your in town I need to see you!!!

To Reagan:

you really liked it!!! and I haven't seen you in forever you have to come over!!!

She said okay and I texted her the address of the house we were staying at. we were at the boys house and it was sooo big!!! I heard a knock at the door I knew it was her and I was so excited to see her. Reagan was my best friend in high school but we lost touch when my parents kicked me out and I had no money and no one would give me a job.

I opened the door and we screamed and hugged each other. the boys came running in when they heard us. Niall and Louis from the kitchen and Harry, Zayn, and Liam from their rooms.

"What's wrong!" Niall said

"Who's hurt" Liam said

We both laughed

"This Reagan guys she is my best friend" I said

I introduced them and we all (except zayn who went back to his room) went into the living we talked for a minute or 2 then I got up went to the kitchen. I got my gummy bears. i love gummy bears! when I came back in Liam had spilt water all over Reagan so I put my gummy bears on the counter and took her to my room to change. I gave her some cloths and then We went back to the living room where I found Niall and Harry eating my gummy bears.








"Yeah" Harry said

"COME ON REAGAN WE MUST PLAN REVENGE!" I yelled grabbing my gummy bears and Reagan and taking them to my room.

"What are we gonna do" Reagan said

I told her the plan and she nodded.

"They are gonna freak tomorrow" she said

"I know we need to go get some stuff though, so let's go!" I said

Harry p.o.v

I was in my room and hear screaming I ran out and saw Hadley with a beautiful girl. Niall and Liam asked questions but I didn't hear them I was distracted by the girl next to Hadley.

"Guys this is Reagan my best friend" Hadley said

That was a beautiful and unique name. we went into the living room and got to know her she was nice, bubbly and kinda crazy but I liked it. Hadley went into the kitchen and Reagan and Liam got up at the same time to follow her but they crashed into each other and Liam spilt his water all over Reagan. Hadley came back in with gummy bears (yum) then set them on the table and took Reagan to here room to change. Niall and I both saw the gummy bears and grabbed them we were eating them when Hadley came down. she looked mad.


"Yes" I said kinda scared

"COME ON REAGAN WE MUST PLAN REVENGE!" she yelled taking Reagan and her gummy bears up stairs.

"I scared" Niall said when she was gone

"Me too but we need a plan to get her before she gets us" I said and Niall agreed

That's it for tonight sorry it was short but I'm tired! hoped you liked it Reagan!!!

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