~ Chapter 7: Wandering 'round

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Dipper's P.O.V.

What the fudge did happen to me?!
That was what I thought, as I stared back at the same brunett boy staring right back at me.

Although, my eyes were a lot more different. Not the chocolate brown eyes I used to know.

My eyes were turned into cyan orbs, just like the main colors of the other parts of the mansion.

I was staring at myself in the mirror located in my room, and man was it cool to be rich.

Marble tiles was scattered on the floor, the black and white patterned colored walls was giving it a somewhat boring and dull look.

Not giving time to check it out, I left the bathroom and ventured my room. It was pretty big, almost as big as the whole Mystery Shack, but just the right size for one person.

I opened the closet, and was amazed. It wasn't just an ordinary closet, its a walk-in closet! Clothes were hanged on both sides, and almost all of it was just plain black or pastel colors, but one thing that piqued my curiosity is the small but visible handle at the end of it.

It was almost as if I was in Narnia.

Making my way to it, I held my breath as I turned the handle, and opened the small compartment.

Ya thought that I'll just leave ya here?!?! No way!

Inside it, was a book. No, its not just an ordinary book.

A journal.

The number 2 journal.

My eyes widened. If I have this journal, who has the other journals...?

Quickly diminishing my thoughts, I shook my head to steer it clear, away from haunting ideas.

A knock was heard from the other side of my room. Turning around, I muttered a small 'come in', and was shocked beyond compare when the door opened.

Only to reveal-


(Slightly edited.)

The Right Person The Wrong Time (Reverse Dipcifica Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now