~ Chapter 4

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Aunonimous P.O.V.

"What? I don't get it. What do you mean I'll know? Is there some kind of-"

He questioned, but was cut off by Bill.

"Geez Pine tree! Will you let me explain a little further!? You ask too much question." Bill said, completely annoyed.

[ Who wouldn't? That kid asks too much questions.

Hey! Get out of the author's room!

Yeah, yeah. By the way, did u know-]

"Umm... Bill? You actually spaced off. What was that all about?"


Dipper cocked an eyebrow.

"Well, let's start with a set of rules, okay?"

1. Never talk to anyone about being in another dimension

2. Never use any magic to kill anyone

"Wait, 'magic'?"

"Yes, magic. I'll give you the chance to do magic. You will be the one owning the amulet, not that chubby little kid."

"You mean Gideon."

"Yeah, Gideon. You can do the things the amulet can do here, except much strong."

"O-k..." Dipper said slowly.

Bill let out a deep sigh. "You will be the one owning the amulet because you're in another dimension. You can use the magic to entertain actually." "Or torture." He added darkly.

"No thank you."

"So, shall I continue?"

3. You must always let them know that you are Dipper Northwest

"Why? Isn't my last name Pines?"

Dipper said, curious as to why this triangle changed his name.

"Yes, I know that already. Just for dimensional purpose."

"Wha-? I don't get it actual-"

"Can I continue?"

Bill said, speaking louder than needed as he cut him off.

4. Never ask Ova about the life of another person in another dimension.


"Ova is a fortune-teller, and she is from my dimension. She will be helping you do things that had to be done and stops you from doing things that will cause an interference in the time line."

"All right. How can she help me find Pacifica?"

"She won't."

The silence between the two of them were deafening.

"Wh-what do you mean she won't?"

"She won't help you because Pacifica will find you."


I am so sorry for not updating! BTW, I have a question every update, so answer truthfully in the comments...

Have you ever felt great admiration towards someone but at the same time want to bash the bastard's face with a rock?

... because I have felt the same way.

The Right Person The Wrong Time (Reverse Dipcifica Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang