Chapter 5

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Cerise POV

I woke up in a rather comfy place an actual bed.
Usually it would be a pile of leaves or something then I remember.
The grimm.
My door opens.
"Hey dear breakfast is ready." The so called Juliette said
"Eh I'm not hungry." I said looking away
"Ok." She simply said and left
I grabbed my backpack.
Still had the two pictures
One of mom
And one of dad
They were the perfect couple

I sighed
They were both perfect for each other
Shame they both brutally died.

I tucked both pictures under my arms and fell asleep.

~3 hours later~

I woke up to a loud noise downstairs and the grimm and Juliette laughing.
"Probably doing stuff." I murmured
A short while later the grimm came up.
"You hungry Cerise?" He asked
"No." I said going back to thinking
"Ok." He said unsure and left

Nick's POV

I'm beginning to get worried.
Cerise hasn't been eating lately.
"Hey Juliette have you noticed that Cerise hasn't been eating." I asked
"yeah I did it's getting a bit concerning." She said
"She looked like she was in pain almost heartbroken." Juliette added
"I'm going back up to check on her."
I said and made my way to her room
I opened the door to see Cerise asleep but I found two pictures on the floor.
I picked one up to see a beautiful fairy queen "must be her mother." I said quietly and I picked up the other and saw a picture of what could be her father
I brought both pictures back down and showed Juliette both of them.
"Wow her mother's really beautiful." She breathed
"Not as beautiful as you." I said kissing her cheek
"Oh stop it Nick you should put the pictures back." Juliette said
"Fine." I huffed and went upstairs
I set the pictures down where I found them but I noticed something off about Cerise there were tears running down her cheeks
"Mother.....father? don't...don't leave me again please." She murmured in her sleep
"No MOTHER FATHER!!!!!" Cerise screamed and started sobbing uncontrollably and I thought of nothing better to do
I stroked her forehead it was hot and sweaty.
"'s ok Cerise I'm here." I whispered soothingly
"Why did you leave me again? You told me to trust said you'd always be lied to me." Cerise quietly sobbed
"Who am I going to trust now? Cerise sobbed
"Shhh it's ok Cerise...I got can trust me and I promise nothing will hurt you." I whispered in her ear while soothing/calming her
"But....but I can't trust anybody they all hurt my people." Cerise whimpered
"I'm all alone in this world...all alone."
"No no no. Cerise that's not true you have Hank Rosalee Monroe And Juliette and I you're far from alone."
It made my heart break
Yeah Cerise can be a bit out of hand but to watch Cerise struggling it made me want to do something to help her.
"Mother father please come back and make things right again." Cerise quietly sobbed then all the sobbing stopped she just woke up looked around and bursted into tears.
I pulled her closer to me and put my arm around her stroking her hair like a father would of done if they say that their child was in distress.
"'s ok you're safe with me I'll always protect you." I said as I pulled her into a tight embrace letting her cry all over my chest.

Trust A Grimm?•{Book One}•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu