Story #3: Night In July

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A/N: I got this prompt from my college English class for a creative writing task we were doing, hope it sounds decent I'm hoping to get my teacher to read it too at some point. WARNING: This is a short one.

Prompt: What is the most unusual thing you have ever seen in July?

I remember the flashes of warmth amongst the cold, moments of clarity opposed to the usual numbness I feel within these pockets of time I find myself trapped in every cycle of the year. Even with my mind's eye, I see the stars sparkling with all their truths and lies, and littered across the inky night I see it. See her. The woman of the stars. She beckons me with a swish of her hand, as she does the sky explodes in colour...

And that's when it dawns me, the sky awash in bright explosions of colour, holds not a woman of pure beauty, just the moon.

Which in turn shines on the true beauty in front of me. And seeing her beautiful smile pushes me to do what I've put off for far too long. As she reaches for my hand I clasp her own.

To others, the most unusual thing they have ever seen in July would be the young woman proposing to her girlfriend atop a battered and rickety truck, dressed in nothing more than their pajamas, as the air, no longer cold but heated with more than the summer heat, swirled around them.

But if you were to ask me the same question. Well, that's easy. The most unusual thing I have ever seen in July would be the woman in the stars who pushed me in the right direction.

A direction that led me to marry my own beautiful, personal starlight.

Almost 4 years later and even now, the stars in July always shine bright, but compared to my wife, who is smiling at me with her usual megawatt smile, they are as dull as can be.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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