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A long time ago, about 3 and a quarter years ago to be exact, there was a kingdom. This kingdom was one of the main 4, the kingdom of Hearts. In this kingdom there were four heads. The King, The Queen, The Jack and The Ace. The Queen was a peculiar person. He was seemingly... happy. However, he wasn't. Everyday he smiled through the pain and agony of being stuck in a room for safety. Despite each heads immortality, they can scar. The King did not wish for his Queen to feel pain. So he forbade the Queen from fighting in wars. Every other Queen did, except for him. This slowly drove him to a dark place in his mind. He kept smiling, until one night, he snapped. He ran away, deep into the forest, into hiding. The next day the kingdom faced devastation. Their Queen was gone. No one knew what happened. Not even The King. The King assumed he was kidnapped, so he confronted each kingdom, for example the Diamonds, the Nordins and even the Micros. No one had him. He was assumed... dead. The impossible. The Kingdom faced a crisis. They pronounced a new Queen, the sibling of the deceased one. He had a different personality than the previous Queen and was in love with the Ace. The King had to accept this, as the new Queen was the only person who had immortality as well despite being a peasant. And a month later, they appeared. The dangerous duo dubbed, The Jokers. The first recording of their appearance was at a meeting for all the kingdoms heads. The two broke thru the windows, the glass shattering into the King of Hearts arms, which caused scarring. The one known as the Reaper spoke first, his hair shading out his face. He told them that all that they both have no motive. That they are immortal. That they both were going to do what they want. The heads were speechless and one shot the Reaper in the chest. The one who shot him? The newest Queen. And the Reapers reaction is what surprised the Queen. The Reaper simply smiled and said, "You've grown so much." The duo quickly left after that. The Kingdoms all had to deal with this new force. This horror. Thousands of soldiers died to the duos hands. They were strong. Stronger than the heads of each kingdom. It's now the present. The Jokers are still alive. WE are still alive. We are stronger. I am stronger. I don't have rules anymore. I get to do what a want, say what I want, and no one can stop me. That's my resolve. It's what I want. My brother may have shot me, I may have lost my mind and I lost my love, but being rule free is bliss. Who say's that being a Queen is fun? Rules, rules and more rules are all you have to follow. Now my smiles are genuine. Not filled with pain. I am the Queen. I am The Reaper. I am Feliciano Vargas.

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