Eyes meet

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Shelby's POV
Wakes up
Huhhhhhhhh nyaaaa muemmmm (waking up sounds)
It's morning already? OH WAIT!!! I'm going to see Ross today! I'm exited, I haven't seen him in awhile. I heard he has roommates now. I wonder who they are? Oh well! I'll see them soon enough!
I'm getting on the plane in about an hour so I have some time. I'm already ate the airport so that I'm not late. I played on my laptop. I hoped on a Minecraft server and saw a character with red hair and a Z on their shirt. (SAY ZED NOT ZEE! IM CADAIN SO ZED PLZ!) (plus cliché) I went to chat and typed "MithzanMax hey!" He soon replied with "hey ShubbleYT! How are you!" "Good you?" And so on. On the plane, we talked more but on a chat room called the "Chatting emporium of neatness" (what?) we talked about general stuff but not personal stuff because internet safety and stuff, I didn't know if he was a psycho! Any ways we talked for hours on the plane. It felt like 10 minutes but it was 4 hours. I told him I had to go but we could talk more when I got to my cousins house.

I was board so I went online to minecraft and saw what looked to be a female skin with red hair and a crown. Her name said ShubbleYT. I saw in chat they were talking to me so I replied. Later we went on a chat room and talked for hours. She had said she had to go so I left the chat room. Ross walked in and reminded me his cousin Shelby was coming over soon. I changed out of my PJ'S and got into a Undertale shirt, black tuque/Bennie and black pants, also obviously my gold Z necklace.
Ding Dong

A ding was at the front door so Ross sprinted toward it. He opens the door and a girl who had brown ombre hair was their. Her and Ross hugged. It was probably Shelby. Tim introduced himself and Ross pushed me to talk to her to. I was kinda awkward in these situations so I try to avoid them. I said hi and went to my room. I went on the chat room and saw shubble was online. We talked and we exchanged numbers.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ik it's not cannon but it's cute. I don't know if I like cheese and max better! I think I do though.
Word count:427

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