This is my Family...

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Yeah,like I was saying...nobody cares about Paige's sad how my entire life...that I have only had two friends. Well two friends that actually knew my first name. Other "friends" only knew me from Chris.I mean... that has to be in a book. ('s in one😅)Yeah thankfully I had friends at all, but I have only had one best friend since forever ago. That's Jason. The day we met was of a kind, as his aunt calls it.'s how it goes I guess.So it was the first day of kindergarten. Everybody knew everybody. That's just how it was (and still is in real life), but as Jason sat down, I could have cared less. While he looked like a nervous wreck, I was putting glue on my hands.Yeah. Glue. If you have never done that,you need to get on it😂(Elmer's glue)anyways,I was just peeling away the glue,super duper satisfied,and he sat in the empty desk next to mine." I'm Jas-Jason. What's your name?" He sounded like a freaking monster was right behind me. His eyes were wide,he was shaking,and he just looked all together afraid. Of what I have,and still have,no idea why he was so scared."Paige",I replied. Playing the memory back,I sounded like a brat,but who wasn't at 5? " are you doing?" He sounded like he wasn't as nervous,but it was hard to tell.I answered a bit friendlier this time."Putting glue on my hands so I can pull it off." He looked at me weirdly,almost as if I was speaking a foreign language."But...why?",he asked with a chuckle. His laugh was contagious too. Just like Chris,he could always make someone laugh,no matter what the circumstances were.

As Jason waited for an answer...I kept peeling away the glue.Lost in thought I actually forgot he was there for a second to be honest,but when I finally did answer, I just stared at me with a smile.When he did say something,he started to laugh."But WHY are you doing that!",he said loudly. All the other kids were almost screaming at the top of their lungs,so it's not like we could get into any trouble.His eyes were still that beautiful baby blue that they are now,well now they are a little darker...but they are still so pretty.His eyes squinted while he smiled,and his shiny white teeth were almost sparkling! With that hair of his in a mess,I saw a woman come in the room. She looked like him a lot,just she had red hair. When she got next to him and kissed him on the forehead,she asked-"hi sweetheart! Did you make a friend?"
He nodded in excitement,and I realized that his mother's eyes were actually a dark brown. Well I didn't then,but I did as I got older. She was a beautiful woman in at least her late 20's. "Okay...I don't want any tears from you,because that means there will be tears from me."

Her eyes started to water. My mom's did too that morning."okay momma",he said this with so much pride,as if he was always ready for this day.His mother smiled and pinched his nose."alright,you be good now ya hear?"He nodded again,and she was gone.She went out the door and I saw from the second door on the other side of that wall,that she was met with a man at least 30. They looked like a great couple. That was Jason's father. I later realized most of his features were from him,but you could definitely tell these people were his parents.They waved to him from the door and he waved back. He looked a little sad,but he went right back to me. "Can I try?" I looked at him and said he could. I put the glue on his left hand and he smeared it around.when it was dry he pulled it away and left nothing behind. He giggled frantically and told me something that made this day so memorable."So,are we friends" Everything with and "s" was slurred for him.He was missing both of his front teeth,and it left a big gap in between. "Yeah,sure!" I said and when I looked down he hugged me tightly. I heard his heartbeat,it was so rapid,and I hugged him back. I guess he had never had a friend before. I mean...I always had Chris. Oh by the way,he was put in a different class with a different recess,and a different lunch hour. I never saw him at school,unless I was passing by the class,or we bumped into each other in the hallways.Our mother wanted us to learn how to make new friends out of our family. She was right...I needed it. I needed him.And after that...we were stuck like glue.(he he,I'm so punny...get it? No? Ok bye)

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