Episode Two: Destinies Collide

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"No kidding, so you're like a professional pony doctor?" I ask amazed. Leaf nods, "Went to Canterlot University for six years to become one."

Her pale purple mane frames her face and falls onto the seat. "So why don't you work at the Canterlot Care hospital like other pony doctors?"

She sighs, and smiles a little. "I used to, but the way I took care of the ponies was more.. Specialized than what the hospital does, and I was relieved from my position."

I laugh, "What do you mean by 'specialized'?"

She looks down, "I was getting pretty upset that I couldn't help everyone who came to me. Not everyone had the bits, so I started giving out discounts and recommending herbal treatments that would be more accessible than what the hospital could do for my patients."

Leaf looks at me, "-And really, it wasn't fair."

"So," she begins again. "I took my supplies and opened my own clinic in Canterlot. I was actually just closing up when I saw you running about."
I smile, "Thank you again." Leaf shakes her head, "No, no. It was my pleasure, I couldn't let someone continue to be injured if I knew about it."

"You really are a very kind pony." I say and look at my saddle bag. "Are you hungry, I brought snacks." She smiles, but shakes her head. "No, thank you, I had two daisy sandwiches at lunch."

I nod, and grab a bag of veggie chips. "You don't know what you're missing." I tease and open the bag.

A tall colt turns his head in my direction and smiles wide. I try to ignore it, but he eventually gets up and walks over to us.

Leaf begins speaking again, and I look to her. "So, wha-"
"Inky Quill! Will you please sign my copy of Desert Destinies?" The colt asks, now standing just a few inches away.

I smile at him, and flick my eyes back to Leaf. "Uh... Yeah, sure. Of course." I tell him and get a quill out.

Another pony pops their head up from their seat. "Did you say Inky Quill?!" The colt nods and I swear 5 more creatures rushed over to our booth. I started to feel overwhelmed and hastily came up with an excuse.
"Uhm... Actually everyone, I was about to go get some food.." I sigh and look down to my chips. "May I get through please?" The ponies kindly stepped aside and I thank them, moving on to the next cart. I shut the door behind me and sigh, then run to the conductor's station.

Knocking twice, I walk in. I plead the Conductor to let me have a private cart, as I am being bombarded by creatures. He nods understanding, "Which one are you in now?"

"Cart C, sir." I reply, and he nods. "I will have you in E then."

"Thank you, sir." I say and put a bit on his control station.

I rush to the back of the second cart and slowly open the door to C. Sneaking past everyone the best I can, I pull Leaf into the next cart, and down to E.

The emptiness relieves me. I let out a sigh as Leaf magically transports our things to our new seats. "Sorry about that," I say and slump down.

"Don't like publicity?" Leaf questions.

She hands me my opened bag of chips. "I don't necessarily dislike it, but most creatures can get a little...intense." I pause, and look out the window, feeling the roll of the train beneath me.

"Sometimes I wish I could publish my comic books now and not be known by my face and name. If only I had thought of a pen-name before I began writing." I chuckle and look back to her.

"Oh! What I was going to ask you!" She starts again. "When did you realize writing comic books was your special talent?"

I smile, "Well, when I got my cutie mark for it of course." She rolls her eyes and smiles at me.
"No," I giggle and start again.

"I would say, it's not really comic writing that I love the most. When I realized that, that's when I got my cutie mark."
Leaf looks at me, intrigued.

"I realized the part I love the most is creating a real connection with my characters, I like to put pieces of the creatures I meet and the pony I am in them."
"I see the relatability in your characters often," She replies.

"Thank you, I love to share my parts of the world with everyone. It might have taken me a little longer than some ponies to get my cutie mark, but whether its in the form of one who fights against evil or a peaceful character who takes the little things in, I want to show that everyone- Everyone- has the capacity of offering a real connection."

She claps her hooves together, "Beautiful," she says, smiling.

I chuckle a bit, remembering my first comic. "It's still a work in progress and mind you, my first comic was not nearly the value of the ones I write now."

She laughs, but shakes her head. "I'm sure it was brilliant."

I sigh, looking down. "Well, thank you." I pause. "When did you realize you were meant to be a pony doctor?" Her eyes widen, and she smiles a little. "Oh, Celestia. Well, I was kind of the brainy filly in my days. One day, one of my little sister's broke her back hoof. Some bullies had pushed her down the slide at school."

I gasp, "That's horrible!"

She nods, with a sad smile. "Yeah, it was. Anyway, my family only had enough bits for a check up at the hospital, and the nice doctor told us some things we could do at home. Though the healing would take four moons, and she would be out of school for one." Leaf pauses, and relaxes some.

"Well, me being the brainy one, I rushed off to the library and borrowed all the herbal remedy and healing spell books I could find. I spent several days studying and learning low level spells, collecting the necessary plants and making a brew for my sister. When I finally thought I had it all down and finished, I rushed to my sister and applied the plant mixture to her wound. It was for bone lining, and swelling. Then, I recited my newly learned spell for hours. The spell was for mending bones. When I finished, my sister was already sleeping, and I had collapsed from exhaustion."

Leaf looks to me, as I'm slowly eating my chips and feeling invested into her story.

She continued, "When I fell asleep, I thought I had failed at healing my sister. But, when I woke up she was shaking me. Telling me how her hoof felt brand new, better than ever! I was so happy, I was crying. Then, I was lifted up into the air, and received my cutie mark. From then on, I'd been studying herbal remedies and healing spells, so I could help ponies in need."

I smile at her. "Wow..." I whisper. "That must be why you were so upset when you were told you couldn't care for others like you wanted. It's your whole purpose." I say and look to her, "That's way cooler than drawing, you're like... A real life super hero!"

She shakes her head, "But you bring hero's to life." She says.

I laugh. "Well, I'll bring them to you if they ever need a fix up after a ruff and tumble. Deal?"

She laughs as well, "Deal!"

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