Fix You

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**This is a follow up to the previous post, Glitter in the Air. It received so much feedback that a follow up was necessary. It's just as dark and twisty so like the last one, if it's not your thing, skip it. :)

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face and I
Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Val woke up before Sharna did the next morning and he just laid there holding her. There were times when she would whimper in her sleep and he would just pull her in tighter while he whispered in her ear. She stayed pressed toward him for the most part as she her hold on his body remained tight even in her sleep. He was so angry at everything that had happened to her however now he just wanted to protect her. He wanted to make sure this never happened again.

"I'll protect you always, princess, I promise." Val whispered as he held her. He felt his phone buzz for a second and panicked thinking that they had missed bus call but remembered that they had the day off and were staying at the current hotel for the day. He was thankful because he figured she was going to need it. He wanted to try to convince her to tell Peta as well because he just thought that was important. His phone buzzed again and he sighed before reaching to grab it. He saw 5 texts from Peta, 2 missed calls, and a handful from his brother as well.

'Do you have Shar?"

'Val, answer me. No one knows where she is.'

'Valentin! You're the only other one not answering. I swear to you, if you have her and you're ignoring me, I will kick your ass.'

'Val, you're freaking Peta out. Well Sharna is freaking Peta out but could you please just answer her.'

'Do I need to get Momma involved?'

'Val, you have one hour and if you don't answer me, I'm going to the front desk and I'm finding your room number and I will knock on your damn door until you answer me.'

'I'm not held accountable for anything that P does from this point forward. We've both given you more than enough time to answer.'

"Fuck." He muttered under his breath. He moved to release Sharna but she whimpered and then griped onto his body again.

"I'm right here princess." He whispered as he loosened her grasp and slipped out of the bed. She floundered around for awhile before burying into his pillow. He slipped his hoodie off his body and laid it next to her. Then he moved over to the bathroom so he could call Peta before she and the cavalry arrived at his door.

"Valentin ALEXANDEROVICH CHMERKOVSKIY! You better have a good excuse as to why you haven't answered me since midnight last night."

"P....shhhh....I'll explain, I promise. Just stop yelling." Val said trying to calm her down before her yelling woke up Sharna.

"Do you have her? Is she with you? Val, answer me." Peta said. She was terrified about her friend. It was not like Sharna was in the perfect frame of mind right then especially with all that was going on in her family. She needed to know her best friend was safe.

"Yes, P, I have her." Val said holding his breath waiting for her to flip out at him.

"Why didn't you answer me? Do you realize how worried I was?" She said and he could almost hear relief and tears clog her voice.

"P, I'm sorry. It was....well it wasn't an easy night." Val said as he leaned against the counter and moved over to look at Sharna just ensuring that she was still out. Once he saw that she was still buried into the blankets, he resumed his conversation with Peta.

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