Chaptre 2: Calexit

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A/N: Hi agan, guys! Soz abot tis been late, butt I was busy planing abot how tis stroy was gong 2 go, sins I haf big plans 4 teh final chapter. Atfer tat, Sun and Moon cummed owt, sew tat was a reel distruction 4 me. Sins it's crashing a lot atm, I mite as wel get 2 work.

The god guys arived at Arnie's Office, ans knocked the dore. Arnie waked owt, "Ah, if it is knot Pheonix Write, ans sum frends. Cum rite in." ans sew tey did. Paul explaned, "Arnie, we wood lick 2 wrok on teh Calexit plane." ans Arnie replayed, "I can understand ur concern. I was delaying it 4 a will, butt I can alredy see those stanes on ur cloths. Those cod only b form been in pirson, ans I can juts sense it was Dolan Tramp who throwed u in. Sins tat is the case, I thin we shod speed up Calexit, ans get away form hem."

Arnie geted his compuiter, ans updated the Californa website, sew he cod announce Calexit was hapening. Necks, he phoned teh state Governmint, ans teled tem 2 set up voting stations.

Maya ten explaned, "Oslo, we intend 2 stop Dolan Tramp form finding owt abot us preparing Calexit. Tat way, he wil stil b wondering around wen Calforna becums it's own Contrary, ans ten we can arest him, sins he won't be president hear." ans Arnie noded, "Tat is a rely clever idea. He wil nether expect it."

Meenwill, teh propganda dudes were reding teh Californa website, ans sew tey begined 2 print propagadna abot Calexit. Nobody knowed wat 2 except wen teh propaganda arived, especialy knot teh god guys, ass tey fond owt wen tey seed 1 off teh posters!

It showed a crude pictrue off Apolo, ans it sad 'Calexit suports tis scam off an atorney! Stay in!' ans evan thou Apolo wasn't their, tey geted quit ofended at teh slender. Edgeworth was their, ans used Logic! He realised, "These se lot closer 2 each otter ten most signs. Oslo, teh sticky stuff is fresh. Tey muts be recent, ans put up in a trial!" sew ever1 folowed teh trial off signs. Ten tey seed who put tem up, it was...


CJ FORTUNE! "OH NO!" screemed ever1! Fortune turned arond, ans lolled, "Hahaha! Knot evan Canadian Judge can't stand up 2 Master Dolan Tramp! Teem Great was a great(GEDDIT!) oportunity. Now I haf teh ability 2 cal the shots. I arest al off u!"


Edgeworth declared, "Ass teh Chef Prosecutor, I declare u cannot proscute any off tis peeps!" ans CJ Fortune went "WHAT!" at teh perfect Logic. He runed off, droping a note.

To-Do List

Report Calexit 2 Dolan Tramp!

Get promoted 2 Team Great Admin!

Arest teh lawyers!

Edgeowrth seed tis, ans phoned Gumshoe, "Gumshoe, we haf juts fond tat CJ Fortune getted a pardon form Dolan Tramp! We ned 2 arest hem, sew we can show tat we are gong 2 rebellion aganst Dolan Tramp." ans phone sad, "Ok, pal, but won't he juts get another pardon." ans Edgeworth replayed, "Posably, butt if we get Calexit threw, ten Dolan Tramp won't haf any effect on us. We ned 2 delay CJ Fortune sew he doesn't get a promotion in Teem Grate, or he cod arest us."

Later, down teh road, tey meeted sum1, who was harassing otter people. Tey runed up, ans assed hem, "Wat in teh world are u up 2?" ans teh dude explaned, "Ah, customers. I am known ass End Yourself. I am sum1 who beliefs in teh warm embrace off death. If u wish 2 die, ten pleas dew sew. If u don't let me encourage u." ans Edgeworth insanely arested hem, "Threatening teh Chef Prosectur is a sirius crim!" but End Yourself smashed teh handcuffs! "I am wif Team Great, ans we can't be arested. Dolan Tramp says sew!" ans he runed away, laffing lick a madman, becos he was.

Ass tey went bak, Atena commeted, "I hop we don't we don't run in2 anymore Team Great dudes." ans thankfully, tey didn't.

Bak at teh Writ Anything Agrnty, tey mad plans 4 Calexit. Iris ideaed, "How abot we prepare a flag 4 Californa?" ans ever1 agreed tat it was an amazon idea. Athena cummed up wif an idea, butt it will be shown later, sew hold ur horses!

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