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Robin's POV

I was now standing in front of two 6 story castles. The closest town, which is 2 hours away, is a tiny one that I didn't know the name to.

Well, sorta in front of them, there had to be at least 100 acres at least between me and them.

I stood in front of a towering gate that read Pandora Academy. I was one of the many new arrivals, and today was the first day of a new school year. Summer Break is only July and August for us. They feel that we must continuously practice all the crap that we learn.

I drove my Challenger to the main building and got a few whistles from both academies. Wolfsbane was so close I could walk to it.

When I got out there were some more whistles, which were silenced when they got flipped off.

I have never, ever, gotten hit on by a guy, let alone gotten checked out by one, let alone 20, and it was not gonna start now. No boyfriends. That's how the fire guy got put into a coma.

I walked into the main office and up to the desk where an old woman with violet eyes, and blonde hair going white sat.

"How can I help you sweetie?" she asked nicely.

"Umm, I'm new here, I'm a third year student. Can I have my schedule and dorm number please?" I asked as politely as I could. She was really nice so I decided to return the favor.

"Yes you may, just give me your name." she replied sweetly.

"Robin, Robin Macey." I replied.

"Ah here we are Miss Macey, dorm 657," she said while handing me my papers.

"657?!" I asked astonished.

"Yes," she laughed at my shocked face, "there are some separate places for classes too, and we have a basement and a sub-basement"

"Dang," I said, which caused her to laugh too.

"Well, I better go unpack, thank you so much for the help!" I said walking out back to my Dodge.

"Dude, this is an Awesome car!" I heard a random male voice say.

"A Challenger, very nice." I deeper voice said.

"Yeah, she is, now get the hell away before I put you 6 feet under." I threatened, "I'm already perfect at my element already, so there's really no need for me to be here, but hey, those are the rules."

"This is your car?" a tall, built blonde guy asked me.

"No, I just have the keys." I said sarcastically making a few laugh, but all moved away so I could drive out.

I hopped back in and drove to the student parking, which was large considering only half of the student body knows how to drive, and not all of them have a car.

I parked it and pulled out two duffel bags that contained all my clothes and slung them over my shoulder. Then I grabbed a small box of personal things, like picture of my friends and I in Florida, pictures of Ally, Will, and I, those types of things.

I made my way to the elevator and pushed the 6 button.

After a few I minutes I arrived at the top floor. Not exactly sure why the top floor if I'm a third year student.







I knocked on the door, not having the free hand to take out the keys.

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